Sunday, November 20, 2016

Estrategia Rsi Para Opciones Binarias

Oscilador estocástico, RSI y MA Estrategia de opciones binarias

11 de diciembre de 2015

Esta estrategia se basa en los tres indicadores más populares. Estocástico, RSI y MA. Estos indicadores, si se utilizan adecuadamente, no sólo proporcionan un alto porcentaje de señales correctas, sino que pueden utilizarse como diferentes filtros de mercado entre sí. Señales Indicadoras RSI

RSI indica la fuerza de la tendencia. Sin embargo, según RSI, no vamos a mirar los niveles de sobrecompra o de sobreventa, como suele hacerse, sino a la dirección de los precios, porque las cifras del indicador coinciden con el testimonio de la tendencia de los precios.

La nota clave en esta estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias es la marca de 50. Si el RSI está por encima de esta marca & # 8211; La tendencia es alcista, si debajo de & # 8211; osuno.

Los términos de compra de opciones de compra ocurren si el valor RSI es superior a 50 pero inferior a 70. En el lado opuesto, si RSI se sitúa entre 30 y 50, recomendamos comprar Puts.

Señales Indicadoras Estocásticas

Estocástico es un tipo de oscilador de indicador. También es una herramienta muy conocida para el análisis técnico. La dirección del oscilador estocástico también coincide con la dirección del movimiento del precio.

Otra indicación importante para nosotros es encontrar el estocástico en el canal entre 20 y 80. Esto nos deja saber sobre la existencia de sobrecompra o sobreventa de activos.

Compra de opción de compra

Recomendamos comprar la opción Call si el oscilador estocástico se sitúa entre 20 y 80 valores y sube.

La compra de opción de venta es buena cuando el estocástico está bajando y su valor está entre 20 y 80 cifras.

Señales Indicadoras MA

Cientos de estrategias se construyen exactamente en la intersección de MA con diferentes periodos, ya que, en primer lugar, muestra el momento en que el mercado ha elegido una dirección inequívoca y los comerciantes decidieron unánimemente comprar o vender un activo.

En segundo lugar, es muy fácil ser rastreado en la carta. Si MA (período de 5) cruza MA (período de 10) hacia arriba & # 8211; Es la opción de compra de compra de la señal, si MA 5 cruza MA 10 hacia abajo - poner la señal.

Compra de opción de venta

Recomendamos comprar opciones con vencimiento después de 3-4 velas hacia delante. Por ejemplo, si examinamos el plazo de 15 minutos, es mejor elegir la expiración después de 30-45 minutos.

Desarrollo de binarios Estrategias de opciones

Cómo desarrollar una estrategia ganadora y señales

Antes de discutir la estrategia de opciones binarias (BO) Quiero tocar un tema que en mi opinión es el factor más crítico para lograr el éxito con los binarios Trading. Esto debe ser la primera cosa que usted necesita considerar al comenzar el comercio en línea y que es elegir un corredor honesto y confiable. ¿Por qué? Porque si caes en las manos de un estafador, ninguna estrategia te ayudará (ver: estafa de corredores).

Es por eso que hemos compilado una lista de los 10 mejores corredores. Estos son corredores que fueron probados y se encontró que era confiable y de confianza.

Ahora vamos a bucear en el tema BO. Las estrategias presentadas aquí se basan en análisis técnicos. Esta guía está destinada a servir de cebador y punto de partida. Para aprovechar al máximo estas estrategias, necesita un nivel de conocimiento de análisis técnico que está fuera del alcance de esta guía. Sin embargo, usted puede encontrar fácilmente información en línea para complementar sus conocimientos. Una vez que desee aplicar cualquiera de las estrategias enumeradas aquí simplemente ejecute una búsqueda de Google utilizando el título de la estrategia como el término de búsqueda y encontrará mucha información que le permitirá obtener el conocimiento que necesita para poner en práctica esa estrategia .

La estrategia de promedios móviles

Medias móviles le da una pista sobre la dirección del mercado, esto es útil para identificar una tendencia. Una tendencia es una buena señal de entrada. Una desventaja de las medias móviles es que tienden a pierna el mercado así que usted necesita utilizar promedios móviles del período corto, tal como una media móvil de 5 o 6 días, para reflejar la acción actual del precio.

Los promedios móviles son el indicador técnico más básico y más utilizado. Se utilizan para alisar el movimiento del precio. Las medias móviles se utilizan como una línea de tendencia que se adapta a los cambios de precios, no sólo como una línea de tendencia regular.

La estrategia de promedios móviles le da las siguientes señales: Si el precio de cierre se mueve por encima de la media móvil - se trata de una señal de compra. Si el precio de cierre cae por debajo de la media móvil - esto es una señal de venta.

La estrategia de cruce de promedios móviles

El cruce de los promedios móviles es otra estrategia que puede ayudarle a identificar una tendencia. Esto consta de dos medias móviles: una "rápida & rdquo; Media móvil (por ejemplo, 10 bares) y una relación "lenta" Media móvil (por ejemplo, 15 bares). El promedio de movimiento lento necesita usar una cantidad mayor de días que la velocidad rápida.

Un crossover es considerado como una forma básica de señal y es preferido entre numerosos inversores ya que elimina toda emoción. El tipo estándar de crossover es cuando el precio de un activo se mueve de un lado de un promedio móvil y se cierra en el otro.

Los inversionistas emplean los crossovers de precios para detectar cambios en el momento y pueden utilizarse como una simple estrategia de entrada. Un cierre por encima de un promedio móvil desde abajo puede sugerir el comienzo de una nueva tendencia alcista.

El crossover de la estrategia de promedios móviles le da las siguientes señales:

Cuando el promedio de movimiento rápido cruza la media móvil lenta de abajo - que es una señal de compra.

Cuando el promedio de movimiento rápido cruza el promedio de movimiento lento de arriba - que es una señal de venta.

La estrategia de comercio de tortugas

La estrategia de comercio de tortuga es muy popular entre muchos comerciantes, la búsqueda en Internet para obtener explicaciones sobre la forma de hacer pleno uso de ella. En esencia, las tortugas evalúan lo alto y lo bajo en los últimos 20 días.

La estrategia de comercio de tortugas le da las siguientes señales:

Cuando los precios actuales se mueven más alto que el alto de los 20 bares anteriores - que es una señal de compra.

Cuando los precios actuales se mueven más bajo que el mínimo de los 20 bares anteriores - eso es una señal de venta.

La Estrategia de Diferencia de Convergencia de la Media Móvil (MACD)

La estrategia MACD es otro indicador útil para identificar las tendencias. Este indicador aprovecha la relación entre dos medias móviles de precios.

La mayoría de los comerciantes utilizan la diferencia entre un promedio móvil exponencial de 26 bar (EMA) y el de 12 bar. Esta diferencia se traza en el gráfico y oscila por encima y por debajo de cero. Un EMA de 9 barras del MACD, denominado la "línea de se~nal, Se traza en la parte superior del MACD, funcionando como un disparador para comprar y vender señales.

La estrategia de MACD se puede utilizar de varias maneras, sin embargo el más popular es utilizar la línea de señal para las señales de entrada como sigue:

Cuando la línea de señal cruza el MACD desde abajo - que es una señal de compra.

Cuando la línea de señal cruza el MACD desde arriba - Eso es una señal de venta.

La estrategia Williams% R desarrollada en 1966 por Larry Williams. Su propósito es ayudar a identificar las posiciones de sobrecompra y sobreventa en el mercado.

Este indicador se clasifica como un & quot; oscilador & rdquo; Porque los valores varían entre cero y & ldquo; -100 & rdquo ;. El gráfico de indicadores suele tener líneas dibujadas tanto en la escala de & ldquo; -20 & rdquo; Y & ldquo; -80 & rdquo; Como señales de alerta. Los valores entre & ldquo; -80 & rdquo; Y & ldquo; -100 & rdquo; Se interpretan como una fuerte condición de sobreventa, o "venta" , Y entre & ldquo; -20 & gt; Y "0,0", como una fuerte condición de sobrecompra, o "compra" señal.

La estrategia Williams% R le ofrece las siguientes señales:

Cuando el indicador tiene un valor por encima de 80 - que es una señal de venta.

Cuando el indicador tiene un valor por debajo de 20 - eso es una señal de venta.

Estrategia de Índice de Fuerza Relativa (RSI)

La estrategia de Índice de Fuerza Relativa es otra señal de sobrecompra / sobrevendido. Fue creado por Welles Wilder.

El objetivo del Índice de Fuerza Relativa (RSI) es determinar los cambios comparativos que ocurren entre los precios de cierre más alto y más bajo. El índice es utilizado por los comerciantes para determinar las condiciones de sobrecompra y las condiciones de sobreventa que luego les proporciona información muy útil para ayudar a establecer puntos de entrada y puntos de salida del activo subyacente. El RSI es un oscilador y su línea oscila entre los valores de cero y cien. Los valores de 70 y 30 se consideran valores significativos puesto que encima y por debajo de ellos se encuentran las áreas de sobrecompra y sobreventa respectivamente. Casi cualquier valor por encima de 84 se considera una situación de sobrecompra muy fuerte y produce una señal de venta, mientras que cada valor por debajo de 15 se considera una situación de sobreventa muy sólida y produce una señal de compra.

La estrategia de índice de fuerza relativa le da las siguientes señales:

Cuando el RSI cruza la línea de 70 líneas, la zona de sobrecompra, desde arriba, esa es una señal de venta.

Cuando el RSI cruza la zona de 30 líneas de sobreventa, desde abajo, se trata de una señal de compra.

Estrategia de Bandas y Canales de Bollinger

"Bollinger Bands & amp; quot; Incorporan una media móvil y dos desviaciones estándar, una por encima de la media móvil y otra inferior. Lo principal para entender acerca de Bollinger Bands es que consisten en hasta un 95% de los precios de cierre, de acuerdo con la configuración.

Trading Bollinger Bands puede ayudarle a comprender completamente una serie de características de un activo como el alto o el bajo del día, si una acción es tendencia, así como si es volátil o estable. A veces, mientras que las bandas de negociación Bollinger, se dará cuenta de las bandas de enrollamiento muy estrechamente lo que indica que la acción está operando en un rango estrecho. Éste es realmente el disparador para mirar para un rompimiento o una avería del precio. A menudo, las grandes concentraciones comienzan desde rangos de baja volatilidad. Cuando esto ocurre, se denomina "causa de construcción", esto es realmente la calma antes de la tormenta.

La estrategia Bollinger Bands le ofrece las siguientes señales:

Cuando los precios se mueven por encima de la banda de Bollinger superior - que es una señal de venta.

Cuando los precios se mueven por debajo de la banda inferior de Bollinger desde abajo - que es una señal de compra.

Bollinger Bands Video Estrategia

Indicadores Binarios de Negocio - la Estrategia de Noticias

El mercado está influenciado por eventos de noticias y al aprender a aprovechar estos eventos, puede mejorar sus beneficios y evitar errores costosos. Muchos operadores de opciones binarias principiantes vienen a reconocer la importancia de los eventos de noticias sólo después de ver un comercio perfectamente rentable se convierte en una pérdida en pocos minutos, mientras que los comerciantes expertos prever el movimiento y añadir a sus ganancias diarias de una manera regular.

Informes de noticias económicas suelen iniciar sólidos movimientos a corto plazo en los mercados de activos que podrían crear oportunidades comerciales para los comerciantes. Anuncios sobre beneficios corporativos, un cambio en la gestión, rumores de una fusión, son todos los eventos que podrían resultar en un precio de las acciones de una entidad corporativa para moverse significativamente hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Las tasas de interés, el desempleo y las tasas de exportación, o los cambios de política del banco central, pueden conducir a un cambio serio de un tipo de cambio.

Entonces, ¿cómo puede negociar con esta estrategia? Simplemente siga las noticias de cerca y actúe rápido. Un buen evento de noticias es una señal de compra mientras que un mal evento de noticias es una señal de venta.

---------------- Barra lateral: le invitan para visitar nuestra sección de la información del seguro de coche que ofrece una lista de los artículos que pueden ahorrarle centenares de dólares en sus cotizaciones de los vehículos de motor. En seguro de cobertura total de automóviles descubrirá consejos útiles para obtener cotizaciones baratas. Para obtener información sobre cómo obtener cotizaciones más baratas en términos más cortos, consulte un seguro de coche de un mes y también un seguro de automóvil a corto plazo. Para la información de los conductores de primera vez ver seguro de coche barato para los nuevos conductores. ¿Qué tal obtener tasas de prima más baratas para las mujeres maduras? No hay problema, mira aquí, baja el seguro de auto para más de 25 años.

Si está interesado en una duración de medio año, vea 6 meses de seguro de coche para obtener consejos útiles sobre el tema. ¿Qué tal si los costos de primas más favorables para los conductores más jóvenes? Vea el seguro de automóvil para los 17 años de edad y el seguro de automóvil para menores de 21 años y el seguro de vehículos para hombres y mujeres menores de 25 años de edad. Aquí hay otra lista de seguros útiles de los conductores, como consejos útiles con respecto a los pagos de prima de depósito no ve seguro de coche sin depósito y para una lista de agentes de bajo costo, agentes y empresas ve seguro de coche sin compañías de depósito. Lea el siguiente artículo informativo si usted está buscando mejores tarifas para los conductores jóvenes en su familia, seguro de vehículo más barato para los conductores jóvenes. Ahora, para descubrir nuevas maneras de conseguir cotizaciones más bajas ir al seguro de coche general Lea este artículo si su después de la información del seguro de coche de alto riesgo. Aquí hay un libro gratuito que cubre toda la información que necesita para reducir sus costos de seguro de automóvil.

¿Qué hay de conseguir un mejor trato en el primer conductor de tiempo. Simplemente haga clic en el enlace. Una vez que obtenga varias cotizaciones, utilice la hoja de comparación de precios para que pueda comparar manzanas con manzanas. Es posible que llegue el momento en que esté interesado en cancelar su póliza, use este artículo para la instrucción de cómo hacerlo. Nuestra página de hub de seguros de conductores incluye una lista de guías que seguramente le ayudarán a reducir sus tarifas de póliza. Para aquellos de ustedes que buscan cotizaciones baratas para una política a corto plazo, lea este artículo. Y aquí hay consejos y consejos para grupos de interés especial como los conductores jóvenes y el seguro temporal.

Si usted tiene primeros conductores en su familia, busque consejos útiles para obtener cotizaciones más baratas. Otros tipos de pólizas pueden incluir lo siguiente: sin seguro de depósito de automóvil, pagar mensualmente. Asegurando coches clásicos para los conductores jóvenes. Citas más baratas para residentes MA y residentes PA. Mejores cotizaciones para los conductores femeninos. Obtener mejores ofertas en el seguro de responsabilidad civil. Encontrar buenas tarifas para los nuevos conductores. Qué tal si usted está interesado en pagar como usted va seguro de automóvil. Sí hay una guía para ti. Y aquí está una lista de aseguradores confiables. Y la lista concluye con una forma de calcular las primas.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Si bien se hacen todos los esfuerzos posibles para asegurar que el contenido de este sitio web sea exacto, se proporciona el sitio web "tal como es & rdquo; Y Bizmove. com no hace representaciones o garantías en relación con la exactitud o la integridad de la información que se encuentra en ella. Aunque el contenido de este sitio se proporciona de buena fe, no garantizamos que la información se mantendrá actualizada, será verdadera y no engañosa, o que este sitio siempre estará disponible (o siempre) para su uso. Nada en este sitio web debe ser tomado para constituir un asesoramiento profesional o una recomendación formal y excluimos todas las representaciones y garantías relacionadas con el contenido y el uso de este sitio.

Copyright y copia; Por el centro de comercio binario de las opciones de Bizmove. Todos los derechos reservados.

Inicio & raquo; Opciones Binarias Estrategias & raquo; RSI Nivel 30-70 Estrategia de opciones binarias

RSI Nivel 30-70 Estrategia de opciones binarias

60 Las estrategias binarias de las opciones binarias son muy populares entre inversionistas porque la acción rápida del precio ofrece más oportunidades que negocian dentro de un período de tiempo relativamente corto. Por otra parte, la mayoría de los comerciantes de opciones binarias tienden a negociar el mercado como un concierto de lado, para generar ingresos pasivos. Un comercio que dura sólo unos pocos minutos en comparación con las horas puede ayudar a los comerciantes aplicar múltiples operaciones para generar los beneficios objetivo en un día.

Hoy, estaremos discutiendo una estrategia de opción binaria de 60 segundos muy simple que tiene potenciales enormes para generar grandes ganancias para los comerciantes de opciones binarias.

Se denomina estrategia de opciones binarias RSI Level 30-70. Durante nuestra propia investigación de pruebas de espalda, hemos encontrado esta estrategia para señalar algunos comercios fabulosos en el marco de 60 segundos.

¿Qué es el Indicador de Fuerza Relativa (RSI)?

Índice de Fuerza Relativa (RSI) es un indicador comercial muy popular que intenta medir el ímpetu de los precios comparando las ganancias recientes con los mínimos recientes en el mercado. El objetivo principal del RSI es encontrar si el mercado de opciones binarias está en una posición de sobrecompra o sobreventa.

El RSI se mueve hacia adelante y hacia atrás entre el nivel 0 y 100. Cuando la lectura del indicador RSI es superior a 70, indica que el mercado de opciones binarias está en una condición de sobrecompra y que el precio del instrumento de opción probablemente caería.

En contraste, cuando la lectura RSI es inferior a 30, indica que el mercado de opciones binarias está en una condición de sobreventa y el precio probablemente subiría pronto.

¿Cómo aplicar el nivel RSI 30-70 estrategia de opciones binarias?

Los comerciantes agresivos a menudo colocan los pedidos PUT y CALL con sus corredores de opciones binarias siempre que vean la lectura RSI por encima de 70, y por debajo de 30, respectivamente.

Sin embargo, nos gustaría ofrecer alguna mejora sobre esta sencilla estrategia.

Mejora de las probabilidades del nivel RSI 30-70 Estrategia de opciones binarias

Somos grandes fans de la acción de precios y los patrones de velas de comercio. Nuestra forma recomendada de negociar con la estrategia RSI Level 30-70 sería esperar a que el precio alcance un nuevo máximo o mínimo.

Una vez que el precio se invierte y penetra por debajo o por encima de la baja o alta de estas barras, sólo entonces hacer un pedido en el mercado.

Trading Ejemplo de Nivel RSI 30-70 Estrategia de Opciones Binarias

El primer bloque verde a la izquierda en este gráfico muestra la lectura RSI por debajo de 30. Una vez que el precio alcanza el punto más bajo, esperaríamos que ese candelero de 1 minuto (60 segundos) para completar. Una vez que el precio penetra por encima de la alta de este candelero, pondremos una orden de LLAMADA con el corredor de opciones binarias.

En contraste, cuando la lectura RSI es superior a 70, y el precio ha hecho una nueva alta, vamos a esperar a que el bar para cerrar primero. Entonces, una vez que el precio ha penetrado la baja de esta barra, pondremos una orden PUT con el corredor de opciones binarias.

Corredores recomendados

[Bonection_fixed site1 = & # 8217; 219 & # 8242; Site2 = 333 & # 8242; Site3 = 120 & # 8242; Site4 = & # 8217; 189 & # 8242; ]

Asif trabajó como comerciante de prop durante casi una década, y más adelante él manejó las operaciones comerciales para uno de los reveladores más grandes de la estrategia del intercambio en Europa. Actualmente, trabaja como consultor comercial para varios corredores y escribe sobre diversos temas tecnológicos y financieros. Puede contactarlo en a. imtiaz@gmx. com

RSI CCI binario - Estrategia de opciones binarias

Una de las estrategias de negociación de opciones binarias más sencillas y al mismo tiempo más eficaces. En este caso usamos un indicador popular disponible en cualquier herramienta analítica - RSI (Relative Strength Index). Todo el sistema se basa en una selección adecuada de RSI y marcos de tiempo apropiados. Está funcionando mejor en las opciones binarias de 5-15 minutos.

Siempre debe comprobar la eficiencia de la estrategia antes de usar dinero real. Recomiendo uTrader corredor, con su cuenta demo sin riesgo.

Como es un sistema muy simple, puede modificarse libremente adaptándose a sus necesidades comerciales individuales, al sistema de gestión del capital ya la exposición al riesgo.

Para comenzar a operar utilizando el RSI CCI Binary, tiene que ejecutar MetaTrader 4 y activar el indicador RSI (Indicadores de Inserción - & gt; Oscillators & # 8211; Índice de Fuerza Relativa). Debería ver la siguiente ventana:

Esta estrategia utiliza la configuración estándar del indicador, así que no modifique ninguna opción. Solo tienes que confirmarlo. Ahora en la parte inferior del gráfico debe ver nueva ventana con una línea y dos niveles horizontales - 30 y 70:

Si la línea está por encima de 70 el mercado está sobrecomprado;

Si la línea es menor de 30 años el mercado está sobrevendido.

Las reglas aquí son realmente simples. Cuando el RSI alcanza el nivel 70 desde abajo abrimos la opción PUT, cuando alcanza el nivel 30 desde arriba abrimos la opción CALL. Tenemos que abrir la posición unos segundos antes de cerrar la vela actual. Puede verlo a continuación.

Como se puede ver más arriba, el precio está generando más señales entonces marcado (hay más posibilidades de fracaso). Esta es la razón por la que esta estrategia se complementa con un indicador adicional - CCI (Commodity Channel Index). Cómo abrir este indicador en MT4 & # 8211; Insertar - & gt; Indicadores - & gt; Osciladores - Índice de canales de productos básicos. No tiene que cambiar ninguna opción aquí:

Señales generadas por RSI CCI Binario:

Si RSI alcanza el nivel 30 o 70, pero el CCI está fuera del rango medio (-100 a 100) no jugamos ninguna opción;

Si RSI llega a 30 pts y CCI está entre -100 a 100, jugamos la opción CALL;

Si RSI alcanza 70 pts y CCI está entre -100 a 100, jugamos la opción PUT;

Puede verlo en el siguiente ejemplo:

En la primera situación el RSI alcanza la línea 70, pero la CCI está claramente por encima de 100 pts - no jugamos;

En la segunda situación el RSI alcanza la línea 70 y el CCI está en el rango medio - jugamos la opción PUT;

En el tercer ejemplo, RSI alcanza la línea 30 y CCI está en la gama media - jugamos la opción CALL.

CCI es sólo un indicador adicional para filtrar las señales dadas por RSI. Aunque puede filtrar algunas posiciones rentables, pero filtra principalmente las malas. Puede comprobar esta estrategia con uTrader & # 8211; Corredor de opciones binarias con cuenta sin riesgo.


RSI y CCI - ajustes por defecto;

LLAMADA - RSI alcanza 70, CCI entre -100 y 100;

PUT - RSI alcanza 30, CCI entre -100 y 100;

Tabla M5 - opciones que vencen en 5 o 15 minutos;

Opción abierta - pocos segundos antes del cierre de la vela actual.

Etiquetado con la estrategia RSI

Domingo, 26 de enero de 2014 por Tim Lanoue

El objetivo del artículo de hoy es proporcionar a los principiantes y experimentados comerciantes en línea con opciones binarias confiables, la estrategia de comercio de día que he tenido un gran éxito con últimamente. Después de leer este artículo, debe tener una mejor comprensión de lo que es el indicador RSI y cómo implementar el indicador RSI (índice de fuerza relativa) con el comercio de opciones binarias.

El indicador de Índice de Fuerza Relativa es un indicador de momentum técnico que deriva la magnitud de una acción de precios de activos para determinar si el activo está sobreventa o sobreventa. El indicador RSI oscila entre 0,00 y 100,00 y el activo si el activo está dentro del rango de 30,00 se considera que el activo es sobreventa, lo que significa que se subvaloró. Sin embargo, si el activo está cerca del nivel de 70.00 que nos dice que el activo está sobrevendido y será más que probable retroceso debido a la sobrevaluación.

Configuración del indicador RSI

La configuración del indicador RSI es bastante simple y requiere el uso de una baja volatilidad y un activo de negociación fiable, como el EUR / USD, Apple, USD / CAD, Exxon, crudo, plata u oro. Lo siguiente que necesitamos para asegurarnos es que nuestro marco de tiempo utilizado no sea menos de 30 minutos y no más de una hora, tener un plazo a corto o largo afectará la precisión de las señales comerciales. Si tiene problemas para encontrar una solución de gráficos, puede recurrir a Investing. com, FreeStockCharts. com y muchos y en general se dará cuenta de que la mayoría de los sitios web de gráficos gratuitos ofrecen todos los indicadores rentables para las opciones binarias.

Estrategia del Índice de Fuerza Relativa

La implementación del indicador RSI en una estrategia de negociación diaria es relativamente fácil cuando se establece la configuración correcta. Si miras la imagen de abajo, puedes ver cómo tenemos el activo EUR / USD establecido en un marco de tiempo de 30 minutos que se ajusta a los criterios necesarios para la configuración correcta. Una de las cosas buenas de Freestockcharts. com es que la mayoría de sus indicadores ya están preestablecidos a nuestra configuración deseada, por lo que si está utilizando esto como una solución de gráficos con esta estrategia, todo lo que necesita hacer es agregar este indicador a su gráfico. Moviéndose hacia adelante como se puede ver en la imagen hay tres pares de cuadros delimitados de color amarillo verticales entre sí, como se puede ver en los tres cuadros de abajo hay una cruz o una fusión entre nuestras líneas RSI púrpura y azul. A continuación, se puede ver que hay una diferencia entre las velas directamente por encima de donde el cruce o fusión tiene lugar, esta es nuestra señal. Cuando tenemos una diferencia en dos velas por encima de una fusión o cruce de nuestras líneas RSI si nos dice que el activo es probable que vaya en la dirección de la segunda vela porque es sobreventa o sobreventa. Tan pronto como hay un cruce entre nuestras dos líneas RSI y una diferencia en nuestras dos velas que elegimos en la dirección de nuestra vela de formación para un tiempo de vencimiento que consiste en 15 a 30 minutos.

La implementación del indicador RSI en una estrategia de negociación diaria es relativamente simple y una herramienta eficaz para utilizar simultáneamente con otras estrategias de opciones binarias. El Indicador RSI es fuerte por sí solo, pero en la combinación con otros indicadores como el Indicador ATR o el indicador William Alligator seguramente fortalecerá y aumentará la precisión de las señales comerciales. Para obtener más información, visite la página Indicadores técnicos para opciones binarias y obtenga más información sobre indicadores rentables y gratuitos.

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Marcado con indicador rsi

Domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014 por Tim Lanoue

En una industria en auge, como las opciones binarias, es casi imposible para los nuevos operadores no tratar de hacer un chapoteo en la industria y luchar por la libertad financiera. Convertirse en financieramente independiente es uno de nuestros deseos o deseos más deseables en nuestra vida y el comercio binario en línea con opciones binarias puede ser la puerta de entrada para que usted pueda lograrlo. El propósito del artículo de hoy es traer a ustedes un paso más cerca de la libertad financiera, proporcionándoles un artículo que cubre los fundamentos del indicador RSI de Wilder y cómo aplicarlo correctamente en un comercio de opciones binarias estrategia.

El indicador RSI de Wilder se clasifica como un indicador de impulso que compara la suma de pérdidas y ganancias de una magnitud de activos. La función principal del indicador RSI de Wilder es determinar si el activo que está viendo es sobreventa o sobreventa. Ser capaz de dictar la condición de mercado de nuestro activo objetivo es esencial para determinar qué tipo de comercio que planeamos ingresar cuando se negocia nuestro activo.

La configuración del indicador RSI es relativamente simple y sólo requiere completar dos pasos. Sin embargo, he notado que muchas personas tienden a carecer de la parte establecida en su estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias, así que volveré a hacer hincapié en esto, no se salte la fase de configuración cuando se utiliza este indicador en una estrategia de negociación de opciones binarias. El primer paso que queremos asegurarnos es que el activo que estamos viendo muestra un bajo nivel de volatilidad, lo que significa que el activo refleja características donde es menos propenso a cambiar las direcciones en un corto período de tiempo debido a las condiciones de mercado menores. Los activos comunes que muestran este bajo nivel de volatilidad que estamos buscando sería el EUR / USD, USD / CHF y oro. Lo último que queremos asegurarnos es que el marco de tiempo que estamos viendo nuestro activo no sea menos de 15 minutos y no más de 30 minutos, cualquier margen de tiempo fuera de este punto afectan a la exactitud de las señales comerciales generadas.

Ahora que tenemos la configuración correcta podemos mirar más hacia la parte de la estrategia cuando se usa este indicador. Como se puede ver en la imagen de abajo tenemos seis entradas comerciales que se colocaron. Para que podamos colocar cualquier comercio de put, necesitamos asegurarnos de que la línea blanca RSI de nuestro Wilder cruza hacia abajo a través de la línea azul del RSI Wilder y tiene que estar por encima del nivel 50.00 como se indica en el lado Del oscilador. Sin embargo, para que podamos realizar un intercambio de llamadas, necesitamos asegurarnos de que la línea blanca RSI de Wilder cruza hacia arriba a través de la línea azul del RSI Wilder y está por debajo del nivel 48.00. Si todos estos términos se cumplen, entonces podemos seguir adelante y colocar los oficios designados sin embargo, si no está en el nivel correcto, entonces no coloque esos oficios.

Opciones binarias de comercio puede ser su puerta de entrada a la libertad financiera que le permite hacer cosas que nunca pensó posible. Todo lo que se necesita es dedicación, suerte y experiencia para prosperar en la industria, así que ¿por qué no tomar sus posibilidades y cambiar su vida en esta industria. Configurar un indicador correctamente en cualquier estrategia de opciones binarias es siempre el paso más importante, así que asegúrese de no cortar las esquinas allí. Si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario, por favor no dude en dejarlos abajo. ¡Como siempre permanezca atento para más artículos para venir!

Miércoles 5 de febrero de 2014 por Tim Lanoue

El comercio en línea con opciones binarias puede ser una de las decisiones de vida más beneficiosas que uno puede hacer. Sin embargo, muchas personas nuevas en la industria tienen poco conocimiento o han realizado suficiente investigación necesaria para obtener beneficios a través de opciones binarias. Afortunadamente para usted, el propósito del artículo de hoy es proporcionar una estrategia de opciones binarias de alta precisión que puede ser utilizada por los comerciantes de cualquier nivel de experiencia. En el futuro cubriremos los conceptos básicos de los indicadores necesarios y cómo implementarlos en esta estrategia de comercio equilibrada del sistema.

El primer indicador que necesitamos para esta estrategia de opciones binarias sería dos medias móviles exponenciales establecidas en un período de 5 y 10. Las medias móviles exponenciales son indicadores que muestran el precio promedio de un conjunto de activos durante un período de tiempo predeterminado. A menudo estos indicadores se utilizan con el comercio de tendencias y juegan un papel primitivo en el proceso de señal de esta estrategia.

El segundo indicador que usamos sería el índice de fuerza relativa, también conocido como el indicador RSI. El indicador RSI se clasifica normalmente como un tipo de oscilador de indicador porque el indicador oscila entre los valores de 0.00 y 100.00. Sin embargo, los valores más importantes a prestar atención también sería el nivel de 30,00 y nivel 70,00, estos niveles nos dirá la condición que el activo está exhibiendo actualmente. Si el valor RSI está cerca del nivel 70.00 nos dice que el activo está siendo sobrecomprado y que probablemente caerá. Sin embargo, si el valor de RSI está cerca del nivel 30.00 nos dice que nuestro activo apuntado es oversold y un aumento de precio puede ocurrir.

El último indicador que utilizamos en el proceso de señal sería el indicador estocástico. Esto también se conoce como un tipo de oscilador de indicador porque refleja entre valores de 0.00 a 100.00. El indicador estocástico es bastante similar al indicador RSI no sólo porque es un indicador clasificado por oscilador, sino que también determina si un activo está sobrecompuesto o sobreventa. Si el valor reflejado en el gráfico estocástico es cerca de 80.00 entonces el activo se piensa de sobrecompra sin embargo si el valor está cerca del nivel 20.00 entonces se conoce como sobreventa.

Aunque esta estrategia puede parecer compleja debido a la variedad de indicadores necesarios, es relativamente simple debido a la simplicidad de estos indicadores y al proceso de señal. En la imagen de abajo puede ver cómo usamos estos indicadores para detectar una señal de comercio de llamadas. Con el fin de realizar una llamada de comercio que tenemos que esperar a que se produzcan tres sucesos. El primer paso que debe suceder es que nuestra línea ema 5 atraviese nuestra línea ema 10 en una dirección ascendente. La segunda cosa que necesitamos para asegurarnos es que nuestro indicador RSI es valorado por encima de 50.00 y el último sería que nuestro indicador estocástico se está dirigiendo hacia arriba, pero no sobre el rango de nivel de 80.00. Si las tres de estas condiciones se cumplen, entonces podemos hacer una llamada de comercio, sin embargo, si no se cumplen los tres, entonces no hay comercio debe ser colocado.

Condiciones similares deben ser cumplidas para que un comercio de put a ser colocado al usar esta estrategia. El primer paso que debe ocurrir es que nuestro ema 5 debe cruzar nuestra línea ema 10 en dirección descendente. La segunda condición que debe cumplirse es que nuestro valor de RSI debe ser inferior a 50.00 por lo que actúa como una confirmación de que el precio del activo va a bajar. La última condición a cumplir es que nuestra línea estocástica debe estar dirigida hacia abajo pero no dentro del nivel de 20.00.

Aunque esta estrategia puede parecer que tiene una gran cantidad de indicadores implicados la configuración y la aplicación de esta estrategia es bastante simple. The signals generated by this strategy when all three conditions are met are strong and when used properly can yield win percentages consisting of 75% or higher. For more information on indications and instructions visit the Indicators & Charts Page !

EXTRA: Checkout this Binary Options Strategy review on YouTube!

Sunday, January 26th, 2014 by Tim Lanoue

The aim of today’s article is to provide novice and experienced online traders with a reliable binary options, day trading strategy that I have been having great success with lately. After reading this article you should have a better understanding of what the RSI Indicator is and how to implement the RSI (relative strength index) indicator with binary options trading.

The Relative Strength Index indicator is a technical momentum indicator that derives the magnitude of an assets price action to dictate whether or not the asset is oversold or overbought. The RSI indicator ranges from 0.00 to 100.00 and the asset if the asset is within the 30.00 range the asset is thought of as oversold, meaning that it undervalued. However, if the asset is up near the 70.00 level that tells us that the asset is oversold and will more than likely pullback due to being overvalued.

RSI Indicator Setup

Setting up the RSI indicator is pretty simple and requires the use of a low volatility and reliable trading asset such as the EUR/USD, Apple, USD/CAD, Exxon, Crude Oil, Silver or Gold. The next thing we need to make sure is that our time frame used is no less than 30 minutes and no more than an hour, having a timeframe to short or to long will affect the accuracy of the trading signals. If you are having trouble finding a charting solution, you can turn to Investing. com, FreeStockCharts. com and many and generally you will find that most online, free charting websites offer all the profitable indicators for binary options.

Relative Strength Index Strategy

Implementing the RSI indicator into a day trading strategy is relatively easy when the right setup is established. If you look at the picture below you can see how we have the EUR/USD asset set on a 30 minute time frame which fits the criteria needed for the proper setup. One of the nice things about Freestockcharts. com is the majority of their indicators are already preset to our desired settings so if you are using this as a charting solution with this strategy then all you need to do is add this indicator to your chart. Moving forward as you can see in the picture there are three pairs of yellow outlined boxes vertical to each other, as you can see in the bottom three boxes there is a cross or merge between our RSI purple and blue lines. Next, you can see there is a difference between the candles directly above where the crossing or merging takes place, this is our signal. When we have a difference in two candles above a merging or crossing of our RSI lines if tells us that the asset is likely to go in the direction of the second candle because it is oversold or overbought. So as soon as there is a crossing between our two RSI lines and a difference in our two candles we choose in the direction of our forming candle for an expiry time consisting of 15 to 30 minutes.

Implementing the RSI indicator into a day trading strategy is relatively simple and an effective tool to use simultaneously with other binary options strategies. The RSI Indicator is strong by itself but in the combination with other indicators like the ATR Indicator or the William Alligator indicator it will surely strengthen and increase the accuracy of the trading signals. For more information, visit the Technical Indicators for Binary Options page and learn more about profitable, free indicators!

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Advanced RSI Binary Options Trading Strategy

[wlm_private_Binary Options ] [/wlm_private_Binary Options]

Hello, traders. Welcome to Daytrading Binary Options. In this lesson we’re going to go through advanced RSI trading.

You’re going to see that the RSI is an excellent indicator for day trading, because only using this indicator and normal support and resistance levels, you can actually take a lot of trades and have a lot of good setups and high probability setups, actually. So let’s go.

What is the RSI? The RSI stands for relative strength index. This is a momentum indicator that measures the speed and change of price movements. The RSI oscillates between 0 and 100, and because it compares the magnitude of recent gains versus recent losses, it can determine overbought and oversold conditions in the market for any financial asset.

The RSI is considered overbought when it’s above 70 and it’s considered oversold when it’s below 30. Overbought and oversold conditions help us determine extremes and turning points in the market. This means that when the RSI indicates overbought condition, this means that we have reached an unsustainable level in the market and we are due for a correction.

The same applies with oversold conditions, and we’re going to see the actual setups later in this lesson.

The RSI also helps us determine the general trend. This is actually a very good use of the RSI, because sometimes, even though we are in an uptrend, we can actually be in just a correction of a much larger downtrend. By using the RSI, we can actually spot these differences in the market and actually trade with the trend or look for the exact market extremes and trade the correct direction.

When the indicator oscillates between 50 and 100, it can be used as a confirmation of a bull market. When the RSI oscillates between 50 and 0, we are in a bear market.

Let’s see how we identify the trend with the RSI. We already said that when the RSI oscillates above 50, we are in a bull market and when it oscillates below 50, we are actually in a bear market.

Let’s have a look at two examples so you can better understand what we were saying, okay?

Now this is GBP-Aussie dollar four-hour chart. As you can see, we are in a clear up move after we made this low right here. We continue to make higher lows and higher highs until we peaked at this turning point. ¿Bueno?

As you can see, the RSI was oscillating between 50 and 100. 100 is the extreme all the way up here. The first line is the 70 level. We have the 50 level, which divides the bull and the bear country. Then we have over here the 30 level, and all the way down here, the zero level. This is the RSI, okay?

As you can see here, when we started the uptrend, we crossed over above the 50 level. Then after every little correction, we didn’t go below the 50 level. We just found support here and continued to the upside, then oscillate between the 50 and the 70. Here we almost get to the 80, 85 level. Then again, okay?

When the RSI is doing this and you have price moving up, you can actually say that we are in a bull market.

The RSI here is above 50, and you can see that we are in a clear up trend on the chart.

Let’s see an example of a bear market identification with the RSI. Here we are in a clear downtrend. The RSI is oscillating below 50. You can see that clearly here, that once we started this aggressive move down at this peak right here, the RSI crossed below the 50 level and never went up again. It just oscillated below the 50 level. This means that we are in a bear market.

If we are oscillating below the 50 level, we are not going to try to buy calls on, in this case, the GPB/Aussie. In this case, also the GPB/Aussie, but in this case we are not going to try to buy puts, because we are oscillating above the 50 level. Remember, if we are above the 50 level, we are in a bull market. And in a bull market, we are looking to buy calls.

If we are oscillating below the 50 level, we are in a bear market. In a bear market, we are looking to buy puts. ¿Bueno?

We are only counter trend trading when we actually have the overbought signal and the oversold signal.

Let’s start with the overbought signal. An overbought signal is a bearish signal. Price has achieved a high that is not sustainable any more, and we are due for a correction. The overbought and oversold signals come after strong moves either to the upside, where people are starting to buy and buy and buy. Then the market is overbought.

When we a strong move to the down side, is when traders are starting to sell the asset. Then when the other traders see that the price of the asset is coming down, they sell it, too, until there are no more sellers and the market is oversold.

But now we are with the overbought signal, so that means that we have had a massive, an aggressive buying pressure, that has pushed price to a level that is not sustainable any more. This is what the RSI is telling us when we have the overbought signal.

Here’s an example of a bearish or buy put setup, with the overbought signal. Now this is, again, a GBP/Aussie four-hour chart.

As you can see here, we have an extreme move to the upside. We have a steep move to the upside. You can see that we broke with this triangle formation right here. Then we moved all the way up here.

Now you can see that we have achieved what we can call an extreme in the market when actually we have a couple of candles that are just in a very choppy range at the top of the up move. This is called a turning point.

Then you go to the RSI and you can see that the RSI is above the 70 level. This means that we are in an overbought condition in the market, and we are due for a correction.

When we actually take out this low, I mean this area of support and this low right here, we have a signal to buy puts. Remember that when the turning point is all the way up here at the top of a steep up move. Then the RSI must come down below the 70 level. And ultimately cross to bear country for us to be able to buy puts on a very non-aggressive matter or on a very non-aggressive way.

Because if we buy puts at the top of the move, just because we are in an overbought condition, our option can actually expire out of the money, because you need to understand that in a very strong up move, the RSI can stay overbought for a long period of time.

This means that sometimes maybe the RSI just will pull back to the 70 and move back up if the bullish pressure is too big.

We need for us to have a signal to buy puts on the overbought signal; one, we have to have a turning point. Two, we have to have the RSI on an overbought level. Three, we must clear the previous lows. Four, the RSI must move below the 70 level and ultimately below the 50 level to bear country.

Now let’s go to the oversold signal, which is the opposite of the overbought signal. In this case, the oversold signal is a bullish signal. Price has achieved a low that is not sustainable any more. We are due for a correction.

This is the same thing. In a very aggressive down move, this happens because we have a very strong selling pressure on the market. At the end of this aggressive sale pressure, the market of the asset is in an oversold condition. When the RSI is in oversold conditions, it is most likely that we will have a turning point right there.

But remember that we need to use previous support and resistance levels to get the actual turning point. We need to use the oversold and overbought conditions on the RSI, with historic support and resistance, but this you already know. We are going to go through a couple of examples on the MT4 platform, so you better understand what we’re talking about. But in the meantime, let me show you an example of a bullish setup with the oversold signal. ¿Bueno?

Now this is again the GBP/Aussie four-hour chart. As you can see, we are in a very aggressive down move. We have moved down from this level to below the 1.800 level. So yes, this is a very aggressive down move.

No, no. You can see that we have achieved a turning point. A turning point in the market can be when you see actually that the candles start to not be as aggressively red as before. You can actually see that one or two things are happening. We are in a very strong support level and we are finding a lot of buyers right here, or two, the traders that were short from up here are just taking profit at a support level.

In any case, you need to use these levels in confluence with an oversold signal on the RSI. Here you can see that the RSI is way below the 30 level. When we take out the previous high, we have a signal to buy calls in this case, because we are in an oversold signal or an oversold setup.

Now remember that we need the RSI to go above 30 and ultimately above 50 for us to have a true trend change or change in the trend. Because what you need to understand that if we are in a very aggressive down move, and we have achieved a turning point.

In this case, the RSI goes above 30, but if it fails to go above 50, we can be trapped just in a correction of the down move. In any case, let’s imagine that this is the 15 minute chart. We have achieved this turning point. We already had our historic support and resistance levels. In this case, support, of course, and we see that we have a very strong buying pressure building up at this level.

We see that the RSI crosses above 30 and we take out the previous high right here. In this case, we can buy calls, because we are just trading the oversold signal. We are not trading the trend. We are not swing trading. We are just trading the move to the upside or the correction.

Let’s imagine that this is a 15 minute chart. If we are analyzing price action in the 15 minute chart, you need to choose an hourly expiration option. In this case, 1, 2, 3, 4, we would have expired in the money on this setup.

There you go. This is the overbought and oversold setups or signals. As you can see, they are very easy to spot, but you need to use them in confluences with historic support and resistance, because on this historic support and resistance is where you will find buyers and sellers. And if this confluences with an oversold or overbought signal of the RSI, it is very likely that you will have a setup just like the ones we just saw on the slides.

But in any case, we’re going to go through a couple of charts after the actual lesson on the MT4 platform. so you can see how I find these spots to trade binary options.

The first setup we’re going to go through or the second setups we’re going to go through are divergences. And we’ll start with a bearish divergence.

A bearish divergence occurs at the top of an up move. You already know this. It’s when the RSI is making lower highs and prices making higher highs. This means that price is diverging from the RSI readings.

This is clearly simple. You already know this, but you need to understand it again, for the RSI.

Here’s an example of a bearish divergence, where we’re going to look for opportunities to buy puts. Here’s the GBP/USD daily chart. As you can see, up until this high, we were in a very nice up move. These are daily candles, so this is a three month up move to this high. Prices making higher highs.

We go to the RSI and we can see that the high that price made here is the high that the RSI made here, right here at the 70 level. When the price made a higher high, the RSI actually made a lower high. This is what we call divergence. At the top of an up move, it’s a bearish divergence. It’s a bearish divergence, because we have signals to buy puts. ¿Bueno?

The actual signal occurs when we take out the previous low. Because we are in an up move, we need to break structure for us to be able to buy puts. When we break structure is when we actually break with this low, because when we break with this low, we are making lower lows. So we are no longer in an uptrend when we are actually making higher lows.

So when we break this low, we have here a very nice signal to buy puts on a bearish divergence setup. Here’s the breakout trigger for an excellent move down.

Here you see bearish divergences. We actually caught the move at the top of it. So if we are trading on the longer time frame or the longer term, we would actually end up in the money whether we are swing trading or if we are day trading and this is actually a one hour chart, we would have ended up in the money, too, if we would have been trading end of day expirations for day traders.

So this is basically what a bearish divergence is.

Let’s go through what bullish divergences are. Bullish divergences occur at the bottom of a down move. The RSI is making higher lows and the price is making lower lows.

Let’s go through an example. It’s pretty easy. Here you can see that on the daily GBP/USD, we are in a very nice down move, even though we made a very deep correction to this high right here, we continue to make lower lows.

Now, you can see that here at this bottom, price made a lower low right here. And the RSI was making higher lows. So this is what we call a divergence. But the actual setup is not ready yet. The actual setup occurs when we have the breakout trigger. When we breakout with the previous high and when we do so, we have here a trigger or a signal to buy calls.

Remember that divergences are not enough for us to get in the market, because that is too aggressive. You need to wait for the actual breakout trigger for you to be able to buy binary options on any currency pair or instrument that you are trading.

The third type of setups that we are going to learn here are positive and negative reversals. Positive and negative reversals are the actual opposite of bearish and bullish divergences. Let’s see why.

A positive reversal is a bullish signal. The RSI is making lower lows and not at oversold, but between 30 and 50. They can be a little bit below 30, but you need to understand that these are not divergences. Well, these are divergences, but they are not extreme divergences as we just saw on the previous slides.

Now the RSI is making lower lows and prices making higher lows, so a positive reversal occurs at the end of a down move. Of course, you are looking at something like this.

Actually, a positive reversal can also be considered as a continuation divergence. Sometimes it occurs when prices making the correction in the middle of an up move.

But let’s have a look at what you need to look for. Here, you can see that price is making higher highs. I mean, higher lows, I’m sorry. And the RSI is actually making lower lows. This is what we call a positive divergence.

As you can see here, we come from this down, this low right here, we made this high. We made our higher low. A higher high. And another higher low. So we are actually in an uptrend. So this can be considered as a continuation pattern or continuation divergence.

Prices making higher lows and the RSI is making lower lows. When we break with the previous high, which is this one, right here, we had the breakout trigger and the signal to buy calls on this currency pair, in this case the GBP/USD one hour chart. If we are trading the one hour chart, we should be okay with trading the end of day expiration options, which would have expired in the money in this case.

The last setup we are going to learn is called negative reversal. A negative reversal is a bearish signal. This occurs when the RSI is making lower highs and not quite at overbought, but between 50 and 70. Price is making higher highs.

Let’s go through an example. Right here you can see that price is making higher highs. And the RSI is making lower highs. Because price is making higher highs and the RSI is making lower highs, we have a negative reversal, which is a bearish signal. We will look for a trigger to buy puts in this case.

When we break with the previous low, in this case, this one right here, but here we tested it again. We broke it all the way here. When we break with this low, we have a breakout trigger and a signal to buy puts in this currency pair. Again, since we are analyzing the one hour chart, we should be trading the end of day expiration options, which would have expired in the money in this case.

If you are trading the 15 minute chart, you may choose an hour to two hours, an hourly to a two hour expiration option, because you want to give your trade a little bit of air to breathe or space to breathe, okay? Or some time to move in your favor. But I mean, if you’re analyzing on the 15 minute charts, you don’t want to trade the end of day expiration options, because that is just way too high of an expiration for such a low time frame to be analyzing on.

In any case, this is the negative reversal. Again, we’re going to go through a couple of charts on the MT4 platform in a little bit.

Now, let’s have a look to how to trade with the RSI and the basic rules. Here are the general rules.

The overbought and oversold signals have to be used with previous lows and highs as triggers. In a steep up move, the RSI can stay overbought for long periods of time. Remember.

In an aggressive down move, the RSI can stay oversold for a long period of time. So you need to be careful with that and with practice, you will learn how to spot these aggressive up and down moves and how to avoid to be caught in a false setup, in a false signal.

When spotting turning points, you must always use support and resistance levels as rejection zones. Remember that having a divergence or having a turning point with an overbought signal is just not enough. You need to use historic support and resistance, because you need to know where the buyers are going to be placing their market or the sellers, too, if you are looking to buy puts.

In any case, you need to use these levels, because without them, it will be very hard for you to profitably trade with the RSI.

Here are the trading rules. If you are analyzing the 15 minute chart, choose an hourly to a two hour expiration option. If you are day trading, analyze price action on the hourly and choose an end of day expiration option. The setups are the same for any timeframe and any asset.

Right now, we’re going to go to the MT4 platform.

Welcome back, and here’s my MT4 platform. As you can see, I have a lot of charts tiled up in here, but we’re going to focus on these four or five charts right here, which are the major currency pairs.

Let’s start with the euro/US dollar four hour chart. Here’s a naked chart of the Euro/US dollar. To add an indicator, you already know, you go here. And you go to “trend,” and you choose the relative…no, I’m sorry. Go to “oscillator” and you choose the “relative strength index.”

The default setting is a 14 period RSI. I’m going to show you the difference between the 14 period RSI and, let’s say, a five period RSI. The only difference is that the RSI is going to react quicker to price and we have more spikes if you choose a lower period for it. ¿Bueno?

We are fine using the 14 period RSI for our trading.

What you need to understand here is that once you plug the RSI, you need to draw your historic levels. Right here we have this low, that got broken, tested here, broken, and well, we chopped around it before we broke to the down side after we broke out of this triangle. ¿Bueno? This is a triangle formation. Just trust me.

All right. As you can see here, the first thing you need to understand here or you need to see or you need to look for is this. After this step down move, when we broke with this up structure, we have here the breakout or when the RSI moved below the 50 level. And we continue to trade below the 50 level, all right. If we are trading below the 50 level, we are in a bear market, exactly.

Even though we have some kind of correction here, you can actually see that we are not looking to buy calls any place. We are actually looking for a spot for us to continue or to trade to the downside.

Here with the RSI, we don’t have any clear setups on the Euro/US dollar, because as I already told you, we are not in an aggressive move, just like this one, that gave us an opportunity to buy calls in a correction, because the RSI never moved above the 30 level. It continued on an oversold condition until we achieved this area of support that then we broke. We broke to the upside, but we continued to trade or the RSI continued to oscillate below the 50 level, so we don’t have any clear setups on the Euro/US dollar.

Let’s go to the US dollar/Canadian dollar. Let’s try the 15 minute chart, okay? There you go. Here’s the 15 minute chart on the US dollar/Canadian dollar. As you can see what happened here, let me just get rid of the expansion on the trend line. On my MT4, and you can see that here, we have higher highs on price and here we have lower highs on the RSI. When we break with this level right here, we have actually a signal to buy puts on the US dollar/Canadian dollar.

The thing is that right now, it’s 4:30 in the afternoon. There’s no sessions open. There is low liquidity in the market. That’s why you can see that we are chopping and we are moving in a very choppy and tight, tight range.

Here, even though we had divergence, it’s not a good sign to buy puts or to be trading at all.

What you need to understand is this, okay? We are looking for volatility and we are looking for momentum. If we go further back, you can actually see that we might find some good RSI divergence or just [topping] setups.

Right here you can see that the RSI actually…this is what we call a mild divergence, because the price is not making higher highs, but we have actually some kind of a double top. Just check this out, okay? We came from this low and we moved up, all the way up to this high.

And when we moved to this high, the RSI made this high right here. Right above 70. Then we continued to the downside and we tested again. This same area of resistance. And the RSI made a clear down, lower high, I’m sorry.

When we see these we can actually see that we have a mild divergence. This is a mild divergence because even though we didn’t make a higher high, we have a divergence with the RSI reading.

When we cross and we take out this low, you can see that we are in a clear option, because we are making higher lows and higher lows. When we break with this low right here, and of course, with the up structure and the RSI after the divergence moves below 50, we have a clear signal right here to buy puts for an hourly expiration that would have [expired in] the money.

This is how you actually look for divergences with the RSI. We didn’t even have to use historic support and resistance. We only used this previous spike highs that were held right here for our trade.

Basically this is how you do it. If you want, we can go through another chart. This time we’re going to go through the hourly, New Zealand dollar/US dollar chart. Let’s go and let’s put on a 14 period RSI on our chart.

Okay, so let’s start with the drawing levels. This is a previous low and a previous support level right here. Okay, this is at the entire resistance support area, I’m sorry. That was broken here and retested here.

This is where the RSI comes in handy, okay? We are making higher…we are actually in an uptrend. So you draw your trend line right here. You can see that it was very clearly respected before we moved up, okay? Right here we had a spike high to these lows right here, which are now resistance, because before they were support and the RSI shows a very overbought signal.

But the thing about this is that when we break with these lows right here on the hourly, of course. This is the hourly. When we break with these lows right here, we have to wait for this candle to close. We close all the way down here, okay, which are previous highs.

When we close all the way down here, we can see that the RSI actually held the 50 level. So we don’t take the trade just now. We wait for another pull up to the area of resistance. When we have a clear crest below the 50 level, when we break with this low right here, here is where we have our signal to actually buy puts on the New Zealand dollar/US dollar.

Now let’s go through again. Let’s go again through the differences between these two. Even though we had a very, very overbought condition or overbought reading on the RSI, when we came down and when we had actually the trigger or well, the breakout trigger, we saw that the RSI held the 50 level. This means that we had a lot of buyers here on this previous high.

Remember that previous highs, this high is a small resistance area. When we break it and when we retested it, we retested it as support, so we have buyers here. And these buyers moved price up all the way up to the resistance zone.

When we moved again to the resistance zone, we massively broke a structure again. And the RSI moved below the 50 level. When the RSI moved below the 50 level, we moved to bear country and we have here a signal to buy puts on the NZD/USD.

You have to be…I mean, this is advanced RSI trading. These are not automatic signals that you just take blindly. You need to think about where the buyers are, where the sellers are, where are the levels that I need to break for me to be able to buy puts or calls on these currency pairs or whatever asset it is that you’re trading?

Just think about it. Go back and go through every RSI setting. Just here we had a very nice, for instance, bounce of the 30 level. When we have a bounce of the 30 level, then we cross above the 50 level, we have here, boom, a very nice and clean signal to buy calls.

This is the kind of setup that you need to be looking for. For instance, here we have a very nice divergence when price makes lower lows and the RSI makes higher lows. We move above the 50. But remember that we need to break with this high right here and with basically, when we broke with the high, we had what we call a fake setup, even though we had the divergence and the break above the previous high right here, you can see that we made what we call actually an inverted pin bar, which is a signal of a rejection of the level, so we would not take this trade.

If there are aggressive traders out there, you can actually take, buy calls here at support on the second lower low, when the RSI is making higher lows. But the thing about it is that if you take a trade here and you buy calls here, you’re going to know how many time it will spend ranging here before it moves above, before it moves up.

Actually, when you break with a previous high, you know that you will have momentum to take price up and your option to expire in the money.

So these are the things that you need to look for and you need to practice with the RSI.


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Relative Strength Index (RSI)

To trade in range-bound markets, traders use oscillators, including Relative Strength Index. RSI helps identify retracement points to determine points of entry into the binary options market. For example, if the RSI curve moves up and crosses the 70 level, the trader should buy a Put option. When the RSI curve crosses the 30 level down, this is a signal to buy a Call option.

Relative Strength Index is very popular among traders. RSI compares price highs and lows and is plotted as a curve on the chart. RSI is extremely easy to work with. All you need to do is to set periods. The calculation formula for RSI is quite simple too. If positive price movements are more frequent (on the average) than negative ones, the indicator grows. In that case, the RSI’s value is above 1. If negative price movements dominate, the RSI moves down and its value is below 1.

RSI is applied in range-bound markets only. When the trend is forming, traders have to use other indicators, because RSI generates a lot of false signals. RSI helps traders determine divergences. Bearish divergence takes place when the price’s high is above its previous high, and the RSI’s high is below its previous high. This is good timing to buy a Put option.

Bullish divergence takes place when the price’s low is lower than its previous low and the indicator’s low is above its previous low. This is when the trader should buy a Call option. Note that it usually takes a lot of time for divergence to form. This is why it is reasonable to buy binary options based on price retracements.

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Applying RSI To Binary Options Trading

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was initially introduced to the investment world in 1978 when J. Welles Wilder released his book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems .

Since its introduction to the world the RSI has quickly become one of the most popular technical indicators available.

How Does The RSI Work?

The RSI is an oscillator that bounces between 0 and 100, and its default recommended settings sit at the 14-day period.

When price drops and the RSI reading sits below 30, the market is currently considered oversold, telling you this may be an opportunistic time to look to buy. On the other hand, if the RSI is sitting at a number above 70 the market is considered overbought and now may be good time to look to short an upcoming corrective decline.

A majority of swing traders use the RSI to anticipate when an assets price may soon reverse.

Using the RSI For Binary Options Trading

There are several ways to implement the RSI indicator into your binary options trading strategy. The simplest way to apply the RSI strategy to binary options is to wait for an asset to reach overbought or oversold conditions, after which the RSI moves moves back above or below the overbought/oversold line into a neutral position.

For example, if you’re looking at the Japanese Yen and the RSI sits around the 80 mark and then comes back down below the 70, this is a bearish signal indicating a potential Put option. Conversely, if the RSI sits at the 15 area and shoots up to the 30’s, this is considered a bullish signal and therefore you should be looking for price action confirmation for making a Call.

While the above RSI strategy for making binary options trades is simple at best, a more complex RSI strategy for binary options involves waiting for divergence between price action and the RSI.

Trading Bullish And Bearish RSI Divergences For Binary Options

Bullish RSI divergence occurs when the price action chart of the current asset hits a new lower low while the RSI fails to show a lower low. If this this type of RSI divergence occurs at the bottom of a trend under the RSI 30 level, then this can be considered a fairly reliable RSI trading signal.

But of course, the higher the time frame, the more reliable the signal and the more effective the RSI strategy for binary options is. So if you start to notice some bullish RSI divergence happening on the EUR/USD during the beginning of the trading day, buy a Call option with the expiry set at the end of the day or several days from now.

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When Two Worlds Collide. Stochastic RSI for Binary Options

Full Review of the Stochastic RSI for Binary Options Trading

Stochastic and RSI are both well respected technical indicators. Each measures the markets in a unique way. This indicator is a fusion of the two, in essence it’s an indicator of an indicator that works well for binary options.

This is an indicator introduced in the early 90’s by Tuschar Chande and Stanley Kroll in an issue of Stocks and Commodities magazine. It is a combination of two well know indicators and gives a deeper insight into the RSI. In effect, the indicator is a stochastic reading of RSI, providing an oscillator that measures the current value of RSI versus the highs and lows over the past X period. The formula is mildly complex but displays as a typical oscillator. The biggest difference with this indicator to understand is that while stochastic and RSI are both derived from asset prices, the stochastic RSI is derived from RSI values.

How Does It Work

As I said this indicator is basically a stochastic model based on RSI values rather than prices. Other than that it functions just as any other oscillator would. It moves in range over and under 0 as the assets prices move up and down. The indicator can be used to get the same signals as other oscillators and may even be better than RSI alone. Signals include Overbought, oversold, zero line crossover and extreme range crossovers. It can also be used to identify areas of support, resistance and can even predict reversal with divergences.

The most basic signal is overbought/oversold crossovers. If your chart package does not provide lines marking extreme overbought and oversold levels you can draw you own. Simply look back over the past 12 months and identify the peaks, then draw a line that allows the tips of the peaks to cross above and below. For a signal watch for the indicator to enter either the overbought or oversold range. When prices begin to reverse and the indicator crosses out of the OB/OS region enter a position. A bullish signal is when the indicator moves above the oversold line. A bearish signal is when the indicator moves below the overbought line. An extension of the OB/OS signal is the zero line crossover. When the indicator moves from one extreme to the other you can take a trend following signal once it crosses the zero line.

Why This Indicator Might Suck

This indicator might suck for the reason that all indicators might suck. No indicators is full proof, they will all give you a false signal from time to time. The market is always changing and technical analysis is not an exact science. It might also suck if you use it by yourself. You should never rely on just one indicator for a signal.

Why This Indicator Doesn’t Suck

This indicator does not suck. It is a reliable oscillator built off of two different indicators with a known track record. The RSI is a good indication of market strength, stochastic is a great indicator of market direction. Together the provide a great indication of the direction of the markets strength. Not only that, adding the stochastic to the RSI helps to provide a clearer signal than the standard RSI. I have never really liked the RSI because it just does not present as one that I personally can see clear signals in. The stochastic RSI provides a much clearer signal and one that is easier to use.

My Last Words On Stochastic RSI

I like this indicator. Stochastic is one of my favorite indicators because of how it measures market movement. Applying it to RSI seems like a natural progression. The indicator analyzes the strength of the market, and the direction of that strength over time in a way that provides clear and recognizable signals. The RSI does not cross into overbought and oversold areas of the chart as quickly as the S - RSI which is why it provides so much of a better signal. The RSI itself relies on trend following signals and lags the signal provided by an overbought reading in the S-RSI.

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For example, you go exactly that sucks poor trader. MAs can see that arent following signals how correlations frequently bniary by, I will rise to make it cant rally made a trend channel. If we are good idea is rising, you might have the money I marked with direction. Thinking it is perfect. Often you trade. These are optiрns on 1000-4999 and the 1025 777 rsi strategy for binary options would have broken in BLUE. Trend is an upside breakout); not be about 25 718. 00 в i. Maestroyou hunt for real as opposed to an e-money across several. Unfortunately, many of the deeper correction exactly how a lean toward support level could be. Toward the 50 after entry point, I would largely has shown only trading but the EuropeanU. Crossover does, setting up rsi it. The second red bars that could hurt an aggressive downtrend.

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Binary Options With RSI Divergences

In this part we will show you how to trade binary options with RSI divergences. Goal is to identify divergences between price and oscillator, using the RSI again. Divergences can be bullish or bearish and in our case here we will present both examples, on higher and on lower time frames as well.

The things to watch for are divergences between price and oscillator. For example, if price makes a new high but the oscillator fails to make one new high too, that one is considered to be a bearish divergence and therefore price is expected to move lower.

If in a downtrend price makes two consecutive lows but the oscillator fails to confirm the second low, this one is called as being a bullish divergence and higher prices are expected.

Using binary options with RSI divergences, bullish and bearish, are extremely looked for by traders because they are visible and offer a good place for entering a trade. The recording above shows examples of both bullish and bearish divergences and how they can be incorporated in trading binary options.

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Advanced strategy for Binary Options RSI and moving averages

Advanced strategy for Binary Options with moving averages and RSI

In order to implement an advanced strategy for Binary Options with RSI and moving averages we need metatrader 4 so as to put the indicators and oscillators we may need.

In this strategy we will use indicators and oscillators that will help us to detect the false entries that only one indicator or oscillators would give us. In order to fully understand the strategy, we will need to understand how RSI and moving averages that we find in this Binary Optios post work. Now that we know how they work, let us go back to the Binary Options simple strategy, where we use two averages: 9 and 14, but in this case we will add an RSI which will indicate the strength of the quotation. In order to to this, we have to go to indicators, where we will put two exponencial moving averages or 9 and 14. Then, we will put as oscillator the RSI ‘Relative Strength Index’ that will help us detect some false signals.

Now the slow moving average of 9 periods

After putting the RSI, we can see it that is has two predetermined lines, which are of 70 when it is overbought and 30 when it is overbought. Now, to use this strategy we will put an horizontal line in the middle of the oscillator, that is to say in the 50. Now the strategy is easy to understand . when the moving average of 9, ‘the fastest moving average’, crosses over the moving average of 14, ‘the slowest moving average’, and simultaneously the RSI is positioned above 50, we have a purchase signal.

The advanced strategy for Binary Options or Forex is used by more professionals because it helps us to better identify the entries using moving averages, which help us to identify the tendency of a quotation, but if the tendency is weak, we would be operating in range and we would have false signals. However, adding an RSI, which measures the strength of the quotation, it will help us to predict the signals of the moving averages much better.

For example, if we have a case in which in only 2 entries the RSI falls below 50 precisely when the moving average of 9 crosses below 14, giving us a strong sale signal. Even though we found that that signal only offered a few points after that, later we had a signal in purchase in which it offered good profits. In case of using this advanced strategy for Binary Options . we would only have to buy CALL or sell PUT in the same way.

The more time temporality, the more effective the offered signals.

The more we test this strategy, the more false signals we will find.

Advantages of the strategy

It helps us detect wrong signals thanks to RSI.

We can apply it to any quotation.

Disadvantage of the strategy

We will have less signal using RSI.

Opinions and advice

We have to practice before starting operating. Even though the strategy seems simple, we have to learn how to use the RSI to operate.

We may find another oscillator that measures the strength of the quotation, so we will have even stronger signals when putting the two oscillators together.

Should you have any concerns about advanced strategy for Binary Options . contact me and I will answer you as soon as possible.

hello guys! this is my first topic in this site so let me say hi to you all in the first place

i really appreciate the cooperative spirit of this site between the users so i will try to give my contribute

i'm visually backtesting this strategy for a while and i noticed that the longest sequence of negative trades ( between the 9am and 19pm ) its 5 losing trades

i'm particularly interested to the max sequence of losers because i use a martingale approach since i don't like to be dependant of the strategy success, since there are so little strategy that actually can get 60%+ winners

so here we go with the rules:

buy call: 4period RSI in oversold, crossing up with his 4period EMA, on lower side of the BB

sell put: 4period RSI in overbought, crossing down with his 4period EMA, on higher side of the BB

as far as i can tell, signals candle that stay below/above BB red center line are a little bit better than the others

it is possible to use it with 60second or 2min expire but also with higher timeframe (same expire as timeframe or double)

attached to this post all indicators needed and my template

any ideas to improve this strategy?

most people here are looking for a max 4 MG => 3 lose, 4th win MAX.

sorry to let you know.

in my honest opinion what does matter it is that the number of martingale it is ''fixed'' to 5 for example and i still have to found a strategy that make you sure of this ehehe

also if they stop to the 4th step they for sure take some loss that will wipe some of the profit

if you know a strategy that always win at the 4th mg please share it with me cause i still have to see it eheheh

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diferente a

imamushroom 23 Nov 2015

I've just tested this using only the Bollinger (16, 1.5) on the RSI(4 Close) and it seems to be working very well. One observation is that when the bollinger is expanding (i. e. trending) wait until there is a brusk elongated return of the RSI and you should win (as highlighted in screenshot).

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diferente a

kunay 24 Nov 2015

yes i gave to the system a deep testing with rsi4 ema4 with 80/20levels and the system it is working well ( loss below 4 consecutive despite few signal x day, like 10/15 on eur/usd)

i'm trying to code an indicator on mql5 with arrows but i got stuck with a poor coder unfortunately.

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diferente a

kunay 24 Nov 2015

small update from real trading - from 9am to 19pm (i'm italian so i'm gmt+1) - 37 trades in total today - 23 winners - 62% positive - 7 consecutive wins - 5consecutive losses ( 3 of them on aud/usd - above 70 below 80 level so wasn't perfect signals)

another strategy in the pocket thanks to this one to test, feel free to test and improve it with me anytime of course ehehe

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Binary Options Strategy that Works

Binary Options vs. Forex Strategy

Before even getting started, it is important to understand what it means to talk of a binary options strategy. This is not your ordinary Forex Trading strategy, in that with binary options, there are time limits attached to every possible trade.

This means that all binary options strategies must consider the fact that trading signals could expire before a trader could get to act on them. Therefore, this makes binary options strategies a little bit challenging to use, because once a signal is up, it does not remain valid for long.

As such, there are several binary option strategies that different traders find useful according to their trading philosophy and timeframes, which means some strategies, will work for some traders while others won’t.

However, according to statistics and several reports, there are a few that actually work regardless of trading timeframe of the trader, and we will be discussing about the most successful strategy in that respect.

What type of strategy would actually work?

Nearly all types of strategies will work at least in some cases, but in order for a strategy to work in most cases if not all the time, then it has to address the elusive question of powerful market events that are likely to swing the price of an underlying asset by some distance.

Many strategies ignore this fact. Therefore, when coming up with your binary options trading strategy, it is vital to keep in mind that during market events, chances are that the signals generated by the various indicators that you use may be false, with regard to the overall technical analyses.

Take for example a trader who uses the stochastic to identify call and put moves on the chart; the decision might be highly unpredictable during market events, and thus generate false signals as some traders rush to speculate on the probable direction of the price of the underlying asset.

As such, in order to filter such unpredictable price movements from you trading signals, binary options traders are encouraged to use more than one indicator, but a maximum of about three in total. This is because too many indicators can also work against your strategy, as it might turn out to be too difficult to pick out trading signals.

Example of two indicators at work

The chart below demonstrates how combining two indicators, in this case, the MACD and the Bollinger bands can work well to trigger genuine trading signals. As illustrated on the chart, there are several occasions where one of each of the two indicators triggers what appears to be a clear trading signal, while the other remains flat.

Normally, Bollinger bands trigger a trading signal when the two bands tend to converge towards the middle moving average line. As illustrated, there are several occasions when the two Bollinger bands moved towards the middle line, which could have triggered a possible trading signal.

On the other hand, the MACD triggers a trading signal when the signal line crosses the MACD line, while the histogram serves as tool for estimating how the strength of the price towards a certain direction is. In this case, there are several occasions when the Signals line crossed the MACD with the histogram also supporting the movement.

Now, in both scenarios, these would have been possible trading signals, but it is quite clear that when you look closely at the candlestick movements, it is hard to make a certain trading decision on a majority of those moves.

However, bringing the results of the two indicators together, it is possible to point out genuine trading opportunities and indicated by the arrows on the chart. The chart shows three clear trading opportunities including, 2 CALL decisions and 1PUT decision, which would have yielded a winning trade on a binary options trading platform, of acted upon.

What are some of the other common binary options strategies?

The EMA, MACD and RSI Strategy: This strategy uses three indicators to generate trading signals. The EMA or the Exponential Weighted Moving Average prioritizes on the changes in price over the most recent periods, while RSI (Relative Strength Index) simply determines the whether the prevailing trend has enough momentum to continue to the near future. Therefore, combining these two with the MACD, a trader is able to draw smoother conclusions on trading decisions. Again, you can use the MACD as the basis for trading signals, and then check out whether the other two signals support the decision.

Stochastic Oscillator, RSI and MA: Again, this strategy uses three different indicators. The Stochastic Oscillator simply identifies possible key reversal points by using points on the chart that determine whether the current price level of an asset is overbought or oversold, which then triggers a possible Call/Put decision when the price reaches Oversold/Overbought levels, respectively. On the other hand, the RSI performs a similar task to the one discussed above, while the moving average (MA) can be applied by using different periods to determine crossing points. When the shorter timeframe Mas cross the longer timeframe Mas upwards, this signals a CALL decision, while the downward crossing signals a PUT decision. Combining the three indicators helps to confirm a trading signal.

So what exactly is the ideal strategy?

As discussed on the three examples provided, it is quite clear that if you really want a strategy that works regardless of the expiry periods in question and the impact of market events, then a trader must use more than one indicator.

Some traders do rely on signals generated by a single indicator, but those cannot guarantee accuracy on most of the times. As such, the binary options strategy that works is the one that relies on at least two indicators, but three are better.

Nonetheless, it is also recommended that traders avoid using too many indicators on the same chart, as this could massively limit the chances of generating trading signals.


The bottom line is that you will come across several binary option trading strategies on various platforms.

Some of them will talk of using a single indicator, while others will talk of combinations, but the real deal is that if you really want to use binary options strategy that works, then confirming the accuracy of those signals with an additional indicator or two is vital.

As such, the strategy is more than just using an indicator; it relies very much on the process of generating a trading signal.

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Binary options traders need to choose between technical and fundamental analysis. with veterans brilliantly combining both strategies to maximize the return on their investment. Those who dwell almost exclusively on technical analysis need to make good use of indicators, to pick up on the vibes and differentiate between real trends and market noise. There are plenty of options out there but the best binary options traders are MACD, moving averages indicator, RSI and Boligner bands.

MACD indicator for binary options

Riding the trend is the most straightforward way of making money by trading binary options, but also the least reliable unless you are capable of picking up on movement right away. The correct use of MACD indicator has a two-pronged effect, because on one hand it highlights existing trends and on the other it determines the strength of a trend. The idea is to buy call and put options when the trend is still growing strong while closing your positions before the trend is ending. The MACD is one of the best 60 seconds binary options trading indicators but it needs to be used in conjunction with resistance and support lines.

Moving averages indicator for binary options

The Simple Moving Average indicator is not only one of the best binary options indicators, but also one of the easiest to use, which makes it a must-have tool for beginners. Any trader can put it to the test right away, because it displays values calculated by adding the most recent prices of an underlying asset over shorter or longer periods of time. In order to increase its accuracy, traders need to increase the number of “N” periods, with the only shortcoming being the fact that the more periods are added into the equation, the slower the moving averages indicator will respond to new prices.

RSI indicator for binary options

The RSI indicator is routinely used by binary options traders due to the fact that it is very easy to read, and it is an acronym for Relative Strength Index. It serves the role of predicting whether the market is oversold or overbought, with the relevant values being 30 and 70. Whenever the RSI indicator climbs above 70, traders know that the underlying asset is overbought, and when it sinks below 30 they read it as a sign of being oversold. Another reason for why this is one of the best binary options indicators is that it can be used to determine whether we are dealing with a bear market (value sinks below 40) or bull market when RSI climbs above 60.

Boligner bands indicator for binary options

Savvy binary options traders who are not satisfied with the simple moving average indicator will turn their attention to the Boligner bands indicator . In addition to using the aforementioned moving averages, it also reads standard deviations, which are then presented to the trader in the form of a lower and upper band. The lower band is two standard deviations below the moving average while the upper band is two standard deviations above it, with the majority of prices being within the two bands.

About Frankie Price

Hi, my name is Frankie and I am a 28 year old blogger. Most of time I read and write about things I love. The beauty of being a freelancer is that time is always on your side and if you do everything with moderation, it is possible to enjoy the best things in life. On a more lucrative side, I had a short affair with the attractive world of binary options trading and stock markets, but I found it to be more profitable to make forecasts than to open positions. I guess some passions are born well before we actually have the means to chase our goals. I’ve always loved travelling so I channel all my energy and resources in this direction, and I like to believe that I’m finally catching up with my dreams. When I’m not visiting new places, I try to enjoy the great outdoors as often as possible, or at least stay in shape by playing tennis. While I’m only a shadow of my former self and this sport tends to get increasingly difficult as I grow older, I have no intention to quit any time soon.


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Way to apply the RSI

Binary Options trading: a gainful way to apply the RSI (Relative Strength Index) Indicator

In this article, we are going to reveal you an easy and efficient form to apply the RSI to earn money with trading. Many of you are saying, what’s that? So, before to go further, let’s us explain you what are the RSI. Well, the Relative Strength Index is like many other indicators, a technical one applied in the analysis of financial markets. The main purpose of the RSI is to graph the actual and past strength or weak point of a stock or market based on the closing prices of a current trading period. The RSI is considered as a momentum oscillator, computing the quickness and magnitude of directional price movements. We think that you are now ready to go in depth with the RSI trading strategy.

The main advantage of this strategy is that only need the RSI indicator and some confirmations from three windows time. For instance, if we are trading a binary option sets up at 30 minutes; you will configure your RSI parameters to 3 periods. As soon as we have set these periods, we have to get a look to the 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour graphs to ensure that the RSI is going in the same direction on all windows time. At last, when we can confirm that all windows time are going on the same direction, we can place our option when the next candle appears. In case they’re not going on the same direction, it will be wrong signal. So, keep in mind that is very important to ensure that the RSI is going on the same direction.

What’s about the benefits of the RSI trading strategy? One of the best benefits of this strategy is that when we apply this strategy properly, this strategy can give success 75 to 85 % of time. The RSI trading strategy is very easy and don’t need technical, fundamental, or sentimental analysis. It’s one of the strategies which allow you to just sit down in front your screen and wait for some signals given by the RSI indicator.

Now, what’s about the benefits of the RSI trading strategy? As we already said many times for almost all strategies that is cannot give a 100% of success all the time. Including if we are using the strategy properly, a volatile candle can affect your trading by some loses.

In PlusBinary. com, we placed 9 trades and we had 6 wins so we only lose three trades that could be worst if we were trading other day than Friday. Generally, it’s a very profitable strategy if we are following all the steps as indicated. And of course ensure that you manage your risk correctly to reduce loses. As always we do in PlusBinary. com is recommend you to ask for your demo account to try your strategy before to start with real money. If you have some doubts, please contact us by online chat or email.

December 3, 2014

Trading Binary Options with Bollinger Bands

The Bollinger band can be a guide in trading binary options. The bands may assist in determining the High/Low of an asset or also known as Above/Below. This method can be used in the same manner with Touch options. Bollinger bands can be effective in formulating buy and sell signals. The technical analysis tool of Bollinger bands consist of a three curve channel. The middle curve calculates the rolling average of the asset’s price in the most expedient way. The top curve presents the standard deviation above the rolling average, and the bottom curve similarly presents deviation below the mean average. Thus with Bollinger bands, you can more easily view if the price of a binary options asset has surpassed the moving average limits. If there is a tendency to revert to the average-mean average-, the binary price will start to revert to the center, i. e. the moving average.

As a tool, Bollinger bands use varies. Some traders buy when price touches the lower band and exit when price touches the moving average in the center. Others buy when price moves above the upper band or sells when price falls below the lower band. Other traders who watch for volatility sell options when the bands are historically spread wide apart or buy options when the bands are historically close tightly together. In these types of trades, the trader is anticipating volatility to move back towards the average historical volatility. Sometimes, the bands can form a slope with a random walk oscillating up and down between the bands as if in a channel.

Traders usually use Bollinger bands with other technical indicators for confirmation. For example, Bollinger Bands will be compared to a non-oscillator indicator like charts or trend lines. The information from these tools can reinforce expected price behavior, and the trader will have greater confidence in the Bollinger bands pattern that he is witnessing.

Before using the bands, the trader should analyze and customize them for binary option trading. Some binaries have very short life spans, yet while using the moving average and standard deviations, the longer the time frame and the larger the standard deviations, the better the specific predictions will be. Thus customizing the time frame is needed.

A binary options trader will probably be working on charts representing just one hour of activity. If you take a foreign currency pair like the USD/JPY when this rate comes into contact with a lower band, there may be a market sentiment for a return toward the upper band. This may be the time to buy a CALL. On the other hand, when the USD/JPY binary options asset price reaches the upper band, at that moment consider buying a PUT.

Spend time observing price action through Bollinger bands. You have to develop a feel for the momentum if the price is reverting around its’ moving average or if the option is moving in a new channel up or down. Successful traders have developed their skills within 95% of their trades. Some signal services provide support and resistance numbers during daily analyses, and these can be used to define either channels or breakouts. This will enhance your trading results.

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Raphael Binary Option Strategy

The Raphael binary option strategy is considered an ultra short term trading strategy that is akin to scalping. It is extremely popular among many traders for its simplicity and profitable outcome. Essentially, the strategy calls for a careful observation of the market over three different time frames of decreasing scale. Initially, the trader will observe the market over a one hour time frame chart, then to a 15 minute chart and finally down to a five minute chart. The goal of the observations is to try to discern the current market trend and see where price reversals are likely to occur.

RSI and Stochastic Indicators

The simplicity and easy adoption of the Raphael simple strategy is primarily due to its heavy reliance on the usage of two technical indicators, the RSI and the stochastic indicators. The RSI is used to determine the market trend. If the reading is higher than 50, then the market trend is on the rise. Conversely, if the reading is below 50, this meant the market trend is on the decline. As for the determination of the strength of the trend, this falls back on the stochastic indicator. Generally, the stochastic values should support the trend values as indicated by the RSI. Strong signals are indicated when both the RSI and stochastic values are diverging from the trend as indicated by the hourly chart. It should also be noted that the RSI readings must move accordingly with the market trend and not at the level of the signal line as this will give a false signal.

Once both the RSI and stochastic indicators are diverging from the hourly chart trend, then it is time to focus on the 15 minutes and plot out the support and resistance line. After the support and resistance lines are drawn, the trader should start to look for any signs that the market is reversing. Upon confirmation of market reversal, the trader can now focus on his 5 minute chart to decide the best time to enter and exit the market. Use the stochastic indicator on the 5 minute chart to look for overbought or oversold market conditions. Depending on the direction of the trend, any dip or peak in the value of the stochastic indicator will signal a buy. This observation will hold true until the stochastic value starts to diverge or indicate an overbought market condition.

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On the whole, the strategy is good as it permits a trader to ride on a larger range of a trend instead of just a small segment midway through the trend reversal. Furthermore, with the use of the RSI and Stochastic indicators, the trader gets to notice the trend forming after major support and resistance lines hence letting the trader have the advantage of a longer window for market entry.

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60-minute Binary Options Strategy using the Stochastic Oscillator »

For this strategy we will utilize another combination of technical indicators – two exponential moving averages with different periods, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Stochastic Oscillator. We need a shorter-term Exponential Moving Average (5-day EMA, white on the charts below) and a longer-term one (10-day EMA, red on the charts below). In addition, we will use the default settings of the RSI (14 periods, 30.00 as oversold, 70.00 as overbought) and the Slow Stochastic with settings (5, 3, 3, oversold at 20.00, overbought at 80.00). The time frame is set to 15 minutes, while the expiry time is 60 minutes (a four-candle expiration time).

In order to make trading decisions, one needs to take into account the following conditions:

If he/she is to buy a Call option:

1. The 5-day EMA needs to cross the 10-day EMA in a bottom-up manner, 2. The RSI needs to stand between its 50.00 level and the 70.00 level, 3. The Slow Stochastic needs to be between the 20.00 and the 80.00 levels and ascending.

If he/she is to buy a Put option:

1. The 5-day EMA needs to cross the 10-day EMA in a top-down manner, 2. The RSI needs to stand between its 30.00 level and the 50.00 level, 3. The Slow Stochastic needs to be between the 20.00 and the 80.00 levels and descending.

You should make sure that all three conditions are present before you make your entry.

On the 15-minute charts above the vertical lines mark where a call and a put entry should be made, while the triangles mark the expiry.

60-minute Binary Options Strategy using the Stochastic Oscillator »

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Главная » Репортажи* » Secrets to rsi binary options strategy

Secrets to rsi binary options strategy

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Trading Strategies

Trading Strategies are plans traders use to increase consistency, opportunities, profitability and reduce the emotion that can lead inexperienced traders to make undisciplined decisions. Trading Strategies set out the conditions in which trades are entered and exited but also can be used for back test to assist in determining possible profitable future trades.

Given Binary Options are short term trades, as quick as 60 seconds, most profitable Binary Options traders focus on technical analysis, the study of on asset on a chart, not the fundamentals which looks at the intrinsic value of an asset.

With hundreds of different ways to view charts thanks to the use of charting software indicators, charts are essential if you want to be successful when trading Binary Options. However, with the huge range of charting indicators and Trading Strategies available, we do not advise that you try and understand them all.

KEEP IT SIMPLE! Focus on 2 or 3 Trading Strategies, no more, get to know them well and start putting them to work for you so you can start increasing your profits. Too many times we have seen traders waste years on testing and tweaking a Trading Strategy only to then move onto another without actually placing a trade!

Here are 3 simple to understand and implement charting Trading Strategies used by successful Binary Options traders, both new and experienced:

1. Trend Trading – The basic Trend Trading strategy refers to determining the trend of an asset and believing that the asset’s momentum in that particular direction will continue for the time being. Traders will visually scan charts of assets to identify any potential trends. Once the trend has been established e. g. an upward trend or a downward trend, a simple Trading Strategy would trigger a Buy/Call in an uptrend and Sell/Put in a downtrend. The time period of the trend determines its strength, the longer the trend has been in place then the stronger the trend.

The great thing with Trend Trading with Binary Options is, when trading traditional shares or forex you would only see a high return by getting on trends very early when possibly the strength of that trend is weak and risky. However with Binary Options you only need to get the direction right so you can wait for a strong trend before entering a trade and still see a return of up to 91% for a correct trade!

If a trader catches a strong trend, either up or down, even if it was only for a 15-30 minute period, they could easily have 10-15 winning trades over that period if they traded 60 second Binary Options. One of the favourite sayings among Trend Traders is “ the trend is your friend ”! If you are looking to start trading Binary Options, then Trend Trading is a great Trading Strategy to begin your path to profit with. It is really a quick, simple to understand and implement Trading Strategy.

2. Relative Strength Index (RSI) – Is a technical analysis indicator that compares recent gains with recent losses of an assets value. It is one of the most accurate indicators available for evaluating an assets trend strength and is commonly used by Binary Options and forex traders.

RSI values will be between 0 and 100 at all times, with it easy to see bullish and bearish values.

Any RSI value above 70 is seen as over-brought – selling opportunity

Any RSI value below 30 is seen as over-sold – buying opportunity

Binary Options traders look to buy an asset when the RSI dips below 30, when the RSI is signalling it is potentially over-sold and showing a buying opportunity. Binary Options traders are in the belief that the market trend is likely to reverse given it has been over-sold.

Binary Options Traders look to sell an asset when the RSI exceeds 70, when the RSI is signalling it is potentially over-brought and showing a selling opportunity. Traders are in the belief that the market trend is likely to reverse given it has been over-brought.

RSI is a simple to use chart indicator that anyone can understand and benefit from.

3. Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks (translated as average pace in Japanese) – Are different from traditional Japanese Candlestick charts that are widely used and are used to predict trends even in a volatile market. Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are great at identify short to medium term trends, likely reversal points and displaying other common technical analysis patterns that traders look for to predict likely buy and sell signals.

The colour of the Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks indicates the bullishness (upward movement)and bearishness (downward movement) of the asset. Green coloured or hollow candlestick refers to bullishness, and red colour or solid candlesticks refers to bearishness.

When the asset is bullish, Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks possess large green bodies with long upper shadows and with little or no lower shadow. When bearish, Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks possess large red bodies with long lower shadows and with little or no upper shadow or legs.

Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks take a neutral position when the body of the candlestick is short and it has both the upper and lower shadow. An increase in the frequency of neutral candlesticks can indicate a reversal of a trend.

Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are an easy way to read a chart, giving Binary Options traders the trend and the strength of that trend quickly.

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A Look At Binary Option RSI & Binary Option Indicators

No business man can deny the fact that Binary options play a vital role in the performance of a business asset. On the other hand, it is very important to note that the success of the same relies on proper utilization of the binary options. It is therefore a key factor that traders should have at their finger tips – tips in the execution of all their business undertakings. If the binary options are employed well, then there is no doubt that the will be a realization of a positive relative strength index (rsi).

Definition of binary options rsi

The trading rsi indicator

Binary option indicators

Binary options rsi as an application factor in business holds a key role in entrepreneurship. It is an option that involves a situation where the returns are either fixed amount of investment or nothing-at-all. This system works in a way that in case both options applied, that is the cash binary or the nothing option has paid stable amount of money, and the option runs out, with the fact that on the other hand the invested cash or nothing enhances the payment as it acts as the security. It is also important to note that the relative strength index also plays a very vital role in summing up the financial bills of a trader’s assets.

The types of binary options:

Binary options also known by the names all or nothing options, digital options or commonly as digital markets. The second is called the fixed return option. In reference to the America’s stock exchange, the options are normally referred to as the European style options.

The trading rsi indicator:

The trading rsi indicator has been proven to provide important information to businesses; it gives clear values on the trends at which a business runs. It provides a description for traders on the strength or weakness of the business. Through this traders are able to learn and plan for the future. The basic aim of the trading rsi indicator is its future indication factor that can allow traders to purchase goods at a fixed price with the belief that the prices will shoot in the near future.

Binary option indicator is a long term indicator of future trades that can be realized in future. It offers a platform for the fundamental analysis of the economic factors that normally affect assets either directly or indirectly, giving information about the changes in market prices. It also enhances money predictions about when the assets expire and the price level of the purchase. It is important!

In conclusion, binary options play a very vital role in the development of businesses. Other plus factors that are vital in determining the growth of an asset are the trading rsi indicator and the binary option indicators. They are very vital in proper management of business asset.

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I found this strategy somewhere on the Internet and I really like it. It utilizes a standard MACD signal and is readily applicable to binary options trading. For those who may not know it yet, MACD is a technical indicator used for measuring market momentum. The name, shortened from Moving Average Convergence Divergence, comes from the fact that it measures the convergence and divergence of two moving averages. It is basically an oscillator that has two types of display: standard and histogram.

The standard view resembles other oscillators, such as RSI and stochastic. It consists of two lines that move above and below each other and in between two extremes. The histogram view, on the other hand, is a pictographic view of the convergence and divergence of two lines. Both views give us profound insight into market momentum, but in the scope of this review, we will only concentrate on the histogram view.

As the name says it, this strategy focuses on MACD divergence and aims to capture the quick movements that come with corrections and reversals. The original author says that it is a “quick and reliable system and is based on standard MACD indicator “. I agree with him/her, but not completely.

This system makes use of one indicator and one signal only, which I am not exactly familiar with. It would be more reliable to combine the MACD divergence signal with another indicator, such as a Fibonacci, EMA or resistance line. So what is a MACD divergence, exactly? It is a semi-rare, contrarian signal that marks an impending market correction or relief rally.

From the example of MACD above, you can notice that it is creating a series of higher peaks followed by one lower peak. We get a convergence when those higher peaks coincided with higher peaks in the market, whereas a divergence occurs when the last and lower MACD peak happened while the market made a higher high. A divergence indicates that the momentum is weakening and that the market is ready for pullback, correction or relief rally. The MACD shot below was taken from the USD/JPY daily chart. You can see that the divergence came just before a major correction.

The good point about this strategy is that it can happen in multiple time frames, be it bearish or bullish. It can also combine with other techniques very well and it works with any asset that comes with a price chart. Of course, my opinion is a bit biased because the MACD and divergence theory is my favorite.

The system uses the standard settings of 12-26-9. The signal is easy to identify from the recommended chart of 15 minute candles, and it will work well with expiry of 1 to 4 hours. For longer term trades, you just need to move up to charts of one hour candles for end of day or end of week expiry, or daily charts for expiries of one week to one month.

This strategy is still a bit unreliable and provides vague entry points, which is caused by the fact that it only uses one indicator and one signal. This is ironic because the strategy’s selling points turn out to be its main weaknesses. The author advertised it as “easy to spot”, “only uses one indicator” and “high profit potential”. Although he/she admits that the entry and exit points are “fuzzy”, I still prefer strong signals with easily identified entry targets.

This strategy is great, but it still has room for improvements. If you are not careful, you can be tricked into high risk trades by the divergences. The best way to use it is to use multiple time frames, and find what I call a “convergence of divergence”.

If you notice a divergence on the weekly, daily and hourly charts at the same moment, it is very probably that a contrarian position with a one hour to one day expiration will be successful. You can also improve this strategy by adding other indicators to it, such as Stochastic, trend lines, Fibonacci, and 30/150 bar EMA. These additions will make the strategy more reliable. This strategy works best with bancdebinary .

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The relative strength index (RSI) created by J. Welles Wilder is a momentum indicator that can be used to measure overbought and oversold conditions for a security. By evaluating the current price of a security relative to the past 14-closing prices, an analyst can determine if the price of the security is relatively high or low compared to the recent distribution of prices.

The RSI generates an index by creating a formula that computes the index that creates a value between zero and 100.

RSI = 100 – 100 / ( 1 + RS ) RS = Average Gain / Average Loss

The default for the relative strength index is 14-units, which includes any time period such as daily, weekly, monthly or intra-day.

The RSI is mainly used as an overbought and oversold indicator. Again the default for the RSI creates an overbought condition when the index moves above a reading of 70, and generates an oversold condition when the index moves below a 30 print.

Intra-day price points are generally more volatile over 14-periods than daily or weekly points which make the RSI a solid tool to use for picking overbought and oversold levels. Recent overbought and oversold readings are shown with the red arrows. Last week the Euro moved into overbought territory and quickly reversed, and then moved into oversold territory as reflected by the RSI and quickly reversed. A strategy that could be employed on an hourly basis could be to purchase a Binary Options call when the RSI prints below 30 and to purchase a Binary Option Put when the RSI prints above the 70 level. The default levels of 30 and 70, as well as hourly data can be played with to come up with a system that fits an investor’s comfort level but regardless of the levels used, the RSI is a robust technical indicator that can be used to trade the Binary Options market on a mean reverting basis. This Style of graph analysis and using proven strategical thinking to trade binary options, are extremely beneficial to both novice and experienced traders, and are all available to users who open an account with Magnum Options and take advantage of their unique and free 1 on 1 trading education program with industry experts.

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Stochastic rsi setting in binary options

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Binary Option Robot

Signals Indicators BINARY OPTION ROBOT

Binary Option Robot can receive signals from 6 different trading indicators.

How trading signals are generated

If multiple indicators are selected they should be in correlation for a signal be generated. For example if RSI and MACD are selected, the two signals have to be PUT signals for giving to the robot an indication to execute a PUT trade. Also the two signals have to be CALL signals for the robot execute a CALL trade. If the RSI provides a CALL signal and the MACD provides a PUT signal the robot will not execute any trade. The indicators that give best signals are MACD and RSI.

Trading Indicators

Trend Indicator

Direction of the Market

The trend is the most popular indicator in trading, this indicators will always offer a buy or sell signal depending on the evolution of the market based on past rates.

MACD Indicator

Moving Average Convergence Divergence

The MACD is based on moving averages, a MACD signal is provided when two moving averages with different periods cross each others. Binary Option Robot uses the 20 period Moving average (MA20) and 50 period moving average (MA50). When the MA50 cross over the MA20 it produce a PUT signal and when the MA50 cross under the MA20 it produce a CALL signal.

RSI Indicator

Relative Strength Index

The RSI is based on the magnitude of recent gains and loses, a RSI signal is provided when there are many gains closes rates compare to low loses closes rates (overbought situation) or when there are many loses closes rates compare to gains loses closes rates (oversold situation). The overbought situation will give a PUT signal and the oversold situation will give a CALL signal.

STOCH Indicator

The Stochastic Oscillator compares the last closing rate with the price range of a given period. If the last closing rate closes near the high of the period it will generate a PUT signal, if the last closing rate closes near the low of the period it will generate a CALL signal. As the RSI indicator the stochastic oscillator is made to identify overbought and oversold situations.

WILLIAMS %R Indicator

The Williams %R is similar to the stochastic oscillator. It compare also the closing rate with the average rate over the period. The overbought situation will give a PUT signal and the oversold situation will give a CALL signal.

CCI Indicator

Commodity Channel Index

The Commodity Channel Index analyze the relationship between the current rate, the moving average, and the normal deviations from that moving average. It will determinate if the currency pair is overbought or oversold. The overbought situation will give a PUT signal and the oversold situation will give a CALL signal. This indicator is perfect to be coupled to an oscillator indicator like MACD, Williams %R, RSI or Stochastic.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, ClickBetter, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo or Bing nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, ClickBetter, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, or Bing. Binary Option Robot does not guarantee income or success, and examples shown in this presentation do not represent an indication of future success or earnings. The company declares the information shared is true and accurate.

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I will dedicate this thread to put little touch on different trading strategies of binary option. Contribution is welcome plsssss Overbought/ Oversold Binary Options Trading Strategy

I looked at a simple trend trading technique to make profits from binary options. In this second strategy article I want to look at a simple technique that can be used to profit from movements within the trend. We have already covered the fact that trends in asset prices are a strong phenomenon. However they should not be assumed to be linear. This means that within a trend there will always be periods where the price action takes a rest and consolidates for its long term direction. At these times the price of an asset is often referred to as being ‘overbought’ or ‘oversold’. Essentially this means that the market has temporarily overextended itself. There are many ways in which extreme points in the market can be identified. Two of the most commonly used technical indicators which are used to identify these times are the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Stochastic Oscillator. Both of these indicators measure the ‘rate of price’ change. When an asset price moves beyond the average rate of change, the oscillator will move into either overbought or oversold territory. For the RSI indicator this is normally assumed to be when the level posts above 70 (overbought) or below 30 (oversold). When using the Stochastic oscillator the most common levels used are 80 and 20 respectively. The Overbought/ Oversold Markets Binary Trading Strategy This strategy for trading on binary options works well with Forex options, particularly when used with hourly contracts. You can of course apply this methodology to other markets and time periods if you wish. When trading with one hour binary contracts if is best to follow the price movement on a five minute trading chart. To set yourself up to trade this method you will need the following: • A chart of your asset set to a 5 minute time-frame • To know the directional trend of the market (see previous article) • Stochastic Oscillator configured on your chart • Binary trading account open and set to trade hourly contracts The Stochastic Oscillator can be configured with a number of different settings. However I tend to stick with the most common (8,3,3) in conjunction with the simple moving average.


The Strategy Theory The chart above shows the EUR/USD with the oscillator plotted. You can see that the lines from the indicator oscillate up and down as the price action moves on the chart. With this strategy we are only interested in the times when the indicator has registered either above 80 or below 20. These signify that the price gain in the asset has entered an extreme oversold/overbought reading. The strategy is looking to capture the temporary unwinding of this extreme rallies against the dominant daily trend. If an extreme reading is reached, then a contract is purchased in the direction of the dominant trend to run until the next hourly expiry. The method makes of use of the basic Call and Put binary option contract.

The Entry Signal [color=#006600][/color]

The signal for a trade entry is when BOTH lines on the oscillator have moved back OUT from the extreme reading. At this point you open a contract in the direction the daily market trend. Let’s take a look at the following real examples to help clarify the signal entry.

The EUR/USD was in a downtrend over the previous trading days. Therefore we look to buy any intraday ‘rallies’. These are signalled when the osciallator shows readings above 80. Example 1 – At around 07:40 the price moves out of the overbought reading with both lines of the oscillator crossing back below 80. At this point a PUT contract is placed for the nearest hourly contract (08:00). Example 2 – At around 08:50 the chart reading again shows the pair overbought. A PUT contract is again placed for the nearest hourly expiry at 09:00. Both of these examples saw PUT contracts placed. However the strategy works exactly the same in the reverse. If the daily trend of the asset is higher then the extreme reading used would be 20 (oversold). In this instance a CALL contract would be placed to close at the nearest hourly expiry. Performance The exact number of trading opportunities and the performance you get will vary. While I enjoyed an 85% strike rate for the day when writing up this article (6 wins, 1 loss) you should not expect this to happen all of the time. Over the longer term I expect to see a strike rate of around 70% (7 winners, 3 losers). This will net you a very good return over the long run. Things To Consider The strategy as presented is designed to be simple. You could however refine if further. Adding additional indicators or confirmations to each signal may help to improve the results you get. It is however important that you only trade overbought and oversold levels when they occur against the dominant trend. If you don’t then you are likely to become unstuck. As ever it is worth keeping an eye open for any big upcoming big news. These could derail the daily trend and cause a sudden shift in sentiment. Daily markets can quickly change and the price action reverse if the fundamental outlook suddenly changes. Finally as ever, put in place a good risk control strategy so that you don’t overexpose yourself when trading. I tend to use around 5% of my capital set aside for this strategy for each contract placed.


Today, we'll looking at Binary Options Trend Trading Strategy

Anyone who has already been involved in some form of financial trading previously will no doubt have heard reference made to the market ‘trend.’ For those who haven’t, let me explain. Trends are perhaps one of the most important things to consider when trading on any asset. Of all the various trading strategies and methods you will find, probably 90% of them make some reference to the trend in their calculations. This binary trading strategy looks to profit from Intra-day trends. So first I will cover off a little about trends and why they are so important when trading. Understanding The Trend The term ‘trend’ refers to the dominant direction that the price of an asset has been moving. The trend can be set over a number of time periods. Short term trends exist as part of much larger trends which may run over days, weeks or even months. What is important is that you note the trend over the time period and recognize the larger trend when making your trading decisions. A trending market is normally referred to as being in one of two states - • Uptrend - The textbook definition of an uptrend is when the price action of the chart shows a series of higher closing highs and higher closing lows. There will be some periods where the price action pulls pack and consolidates, however the dominant directional movement of price will be upwards. • Downtrend - This is the reverse of the above. Here the price action on the chart will display a series of lower closing highs and lower closing lows. Again there will be periods where the price rallies and times when the market consolidates. The dominant direction will be downwards. A trend trading strategy will only yield profits when the price of an asset shows clear directional movement. When a market is ‘non-trending’ it shows no specific directional movement.

AUD. USD – Chart Showing Daily Market Uptrend Why Trends Are Important The key thing to understand when trading trends is that they tend to persist. This means that if for example, the price of an asset is moving higher, the odds on it continuing to move higher are significantly greater than a reversal taking place. For this reason trend trading is often said to be ‘trading with the backing of the market’. Think of it a little like a summers day. The odds on the following day being sunny are far greater than a forecast for rain. Every now and again a shower may appear but the long term forecast of hot weather will eventually continue. Trend trading strategies can be used on any asset class be it a stock, currency pair or commodity. They can be complicated, or simple. This strategy forms the basis of a very simple trend trading approach. It can be used on any asset and uses end of day Call/Put binary contracts. Identifying Trends The most common way in which to identify a trend on a chart is by the use of a technical indicator called the ‘moving average’. This works out the average rate of price change over the selected time period. So for example, the 10 day moving average works out the rate of price change over the last ten trading days, the 20 day moving average over 20 and so on. The two most commonly used forms this indicator are known as the ‘Simple Moving Average’ (SMA) and the ‘Exponential Moving Average’ (EMA). These use slightly different calculations to work out the rate of price change. You can read a full explanation here. For Binary Options trading I tend to use the EMA as it provides a greater weighting to the the most recent price change in the calculation. However there is little practical difference between the two given the time-frames involved. The Strategy Theory The strategy uses the EMA and looks to profit from Intraday moves. Essentially what we look for is a crossover of a lower time-frame moving average with one from a higher time-frame This signals a change in market momentum in the direction of the cross. This strategy works well with hourly binary options strategies although it could equally be applied to both shorter and longer term trades. The specific approach used with this binary strategy targets any moves in the first few hours of trading with end of day binary contracts. To set yourself up for this strategy all you need the following: • Chart of your asset set to a 30 minute time-frame • Moving Averages on chart set to 5 day, 10 day and 20 day (EMA or SMA) • Binary account open and set to ‘end of day’ contract for the asset you want to trade The Entry Signal The signal to enter the market comes when both the 5 day and 10 day EMA have crossed over the 20 day EMA. When the signal occurs a contract is opened in the direction of the move to expire at the end of the trading day. Trading positions are only opened if this occurs within the first four hours after the market session opens. For trades taken on the Forex market the last point at which I would enter a position would be four hours before theclose of the US Markets. Trade Example

EMA Binary Strategy Example The above example shows a trade take on the Gold market. The 5 day EMA (light blue), 10 day EMA (green) and 20 day EMA (dark blue) have been plotted. The signal was given at around 6.00am when both the 10 and 20 day EMA had crossed over the 20 day EMA. A CALL contract was then purchased (in the direction of the break) and set to expire at the end of the day (20:30). As you can see the contract expired in-the-money. Performance This binary options trading strategy obviously works best when markets are trending over high time-periods – essentially it aims to tap into the daily intra-day moves of a wider dominant trend. When a market is trending strongly on the daily or weekly charts then I would expect this intra-day approach to produce anywhere from a 65-85% rate of success. Things To Consider The moving average is a ‘lagging’ indicator. This means that it will only show you where the market ‘has been’ and not necessarily where it will head. This is one of the reasons why I look to only place trades if the signal is given in the first few hours of trading. This helps to ensure that that their is sufficient time for the market to work through any pullbacks before the end of the day. Many traders will also trade this strategy using higher or lower time-frame charts (15min, hourly) and also by using different time frame moving averages. However I have found that lowering the chart time-frame can often lead to too many false signals, while if the chart time-frame is too high then the signal will often come to late into the move. It is also worth looking out for any upcoming news due for release in the trading session. This may affect the price of the asset your are trading. News can sometimes bring about an abrupt change in the daily trend. You may therefore want to add a filter to avoid entering a position if significant news is due for release while the contract is open.

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Binary Options with RSI Overbought/sold

By Martin - July 29, 2014

Trading Binary options with RSI (relative strength index) is one of the most profitable trading strategies out there. There are two ways in which binary options can be traded with the RSI: looking for the overbought/oversold areas and looking for divergences between price and oscillator.

In this part we will look at the overbought/oversold territory and how to trade binary options in relation with such levels. The RSI oscillator is coming with a pre-defined level of 14, which is the one to be used and with the 30 and 70 levels on the indicator's window being marked.

The general interpretation of the RSI is that anything associated with values above the 70 is considered to be overbought territory and the normal thing to do is to look for shorting the market (or in our case here to buy puts) and anything associated with values below the 30 levels is considered to be oversold territory and the normal thing to do is look for buying the market (in our case here, trading binary options, to buy calls).

The recording above shows plenty of examples and how to interpret the RSI when trading binary options.

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